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    Graduate Studies

    Graduate Programs

    Graduate Faculty Appointment

    Graduate Students Admission

    Please click here for QU Graduate Admission page

    Graduate Assistantships

    Please click here for QU Graduate Assistantships page.

    Thesis / Dissertation Requirements

    Steps to Fulfill Master’s Degree Requirements 

    What To Do When To Do It
    Meet with Graduate Coordinator1st week of semester
    Establish Advisory Committee12th week of 2nd semester
    Apply for Graduation1st week of graduation semester
    Submit written thesis for examiners evaluationEarly in graduation semester
    Submit written thesis evaluation10th week of graduation semester
    Submit request for oral defense14 working days before the thesis defense date
    Submit Thesis Report10 working days following the thesis defense
    Graduation ChecklistUpon completion of thesis oral defense
    Thesis Submission14 days before graduation date


    Steps to Fulfill Doctoral Degree Requirements

    What To Do When To Do It
    Meet with Graduate Coordinator1st week of first semester
    Establish Comprehensive Exam Committee12th week of 2nd semester
    Comprehensive Exam Report3rd semester
    Establish Advisory Committee4th week of 3rd semester
    Candidacy Exam (Dissertation Proposal)4th semester
    Candidacy Exam Retake (2nd attempt)4th semester
     Submit Admission to CandidacyEnd of 4th Semester
    Apply for Graduation1st week of Graduation Semester
    Submit Written Dissertation for Examiners Evaluation 3rd week of Graduation Semester
    Submit Written Dissertation Evaluation8th week of Graduation Semester
    Submit Request for Oral Defense14 working days before the Dissertation Defense date
    Submit Dissertation Report10 working days following the Dissertation Defense date
    Graduation ChecklistUpon completion of Dissertation Oral Defense
     Dissertation Submission14 days before Graduation