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    Minor in Statistics

    The minor in Statistics is designed to provide students with a firm foundation in statistical theory so that they can confidently collect and analyze their data with the help of statistical packages.

    Declare the minor

    Applicants for the minor in Statistics must satisfy QU requirements for declaring a minor.

    Minor in Statistics (24 CH)

    Students seeking a minor in Statistics must complete a minimum of 24 credit hours, including the following:

    • A minimum of 18 credit hours in Minor requirements

    • A minimum of 6 credit hours in Minor electives

    Minor Requirements (18 CH)

    Students must complete a minimum of 18 credit hours in Minor required courses:

    • STAT 101 Statistics I

    • STAT 102 Statistics II

    • STAT 211 Introduction to Probability

    • STAT 231 Applied Regression Analysis

    • STAT 361 Sampling Methods

    • STAT 371 Statistical Packages

    Minor Electives (6 CH)

    Students must complete a minimum of 6 credit hours in Minor electives courses:

    • STAT 221 Mathematical Statistics I

    • STAT 241 Biostatistics

    • STAT 242 Demography

    • STAT 332 Design of Experiments

    • STAT 333 Time Series

    • STAT 343 Applied Survival Analysis

    • STAT 344 Quality Control

    • STAT 372 Statistical Simulation

    • STAT 381 Categorical Data Analysis

    ​• STAT 382 Nonparametric Method