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    Special Needs


    In accordance with Law No 2 of the year 2004, and Article 49 in the Constitution of Qatar: "Education is the right of all.", and "the State shall extend efforts to achieve fair and appropriate access in education for all".  In this regard, we find Qatar University has always been and still is keen on providing educational opportunities that ensure fair and appropriate access to programs, services, facilities, and activities for students with special needs.  Admission to Qatar University is based solely on an applicant's qualifications and record of achievement regardless of his/her special needs.  All applicants to the university are reviewed through the same admissions process.

    The Special Needs Section was established in May 2007.  Since then the Section has gone from strength to strength.  It has developed itself to meet the demands of this special category.  Through this section, the university seeks ways to develop and provide services, which support students with special needs regarding specific needs based on their particular situation.  The Special Needs section ensures that all students with special needs have an equitable environment to excel academically.


    To provide programs and services that ensure fair and appropriate access to programs, services, facilities, and activities for students with special needs, within the proper environment.


    To become a model inclusion program for students with special needs.

    We aim to achieve these goals

    • Inclusion: Inclusion is to integrate students with special needs effectively in regular education setting and the society.  This happens by building an environment of awareness and acceptance, such as providing appropriate support services and equipment. Qatari Law declares that these students must be educated in the "least restrictive environment appropriate" to meet their "unique needs."
    • Offer the best services for students respective to their own needs.
    • Involve student in different activities.
    • Provide and help establish a supportive and accessible university environment.
    • Coordinate with other specialists to achieve these goals.

    Hand in hand to achieve our goals

    We do not work alone; the Special Needs Section has many partners, including other students, administrators, and faculty members. By showing support towards their pursuit of personal development and education, the Qatar University community helps promote and support the lives and ambitions of students with special needs.

    Remember these keywords are the goals

    • Sharing
    • Development
    • Production

    Overcome misconceptions about the capability of special needs individuals

    • Introvert
    • Underdevelopment
    • deficiency

    Please keep in mind that the Special Needs Section is here to help students succeed.
    With Perseverance and Ambition, We will be on the Way to Success.

    Further Information for Special Needs Center.