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    Minor in History

    The Minor in History is an excellent opportunity for students who are interested in providing depth to their chosen major through gaining a historical perspective in their area  of specialization. Adding an interdisciplinary aspect to a degree, this minor allows students to learn about history as a science, providing training in the use of basic tools and methods in the study of history. Through a wide range of approaches, students will be exposed to both modern and ancient history, tailoring choices to their specific interests.

    Declaring the minor

    Applicants for the minor in History must satisfy QU requirements for declaring a minor.

    Minor in History (24 CH)

    Students seeking a minor in History must complete a minimum of 24 credit hours, including the following:

    • A minimum of 12 credit hours in Minor requirements
    • A minimum of 12 credit hours in Minor electives

    Minor Requirements (12 CH)

    Students must complete a minimum of 12 credit hours in Minor-required courses:

    • HIST 103 An Introduction to History
    • HIST 111 History of the Muslim World I (600 –1187)
    • HIST 131 World History Since 1300
    • HIST 213 Modern Arab History (1516 -1919)

    Minor Electives (12 CH)

    Students must complete a minimum of 12 credit hours in Minor elective courses. Those credits can be selected from the list of the major electives or any of the focus areas (Islamic History Focus, Modern Gulf History Focus and European History): the courses including:

    • HIST 217 Islamic Civilization
    • HIST 222 The Gulf in Modern Period
    • HIST 231 Europe and the World since 1500 CE
    • HIST 314 Economic & Social History of the Muslim World
    • HIST 318 History of Al-Andulus
    • HIST 319 History of the Crusades (The Franks Invasion)
    • HIST 320 History of Islamic Sects and Movements
    • HIST 322 Iran and its Neighbours
    • HIST 323 Gulf-South Asian Relations in Modern and Contemporary History
    • HIST 324 Economic History of the Gulf
    • HIST 331 Ancient Greece and Rome, 1200 BCE to 500 CE
    • HIST 332 Medieval Europe, 500 to 1400 CE
    • HIST 333 The Renaissance and Reformation, 1400 to 1648
    • HIST 334 Arabian Gulf in Antiquity
    • HIST 336 Women and Gender in the Ancient Near East
    • HIST 337 The Age of Absolutism and Revolution, 1648 to 1815
    • HIST 380 The Making of Modern America
    • HIST 390 The History of Modern China and Japan
    • HIST 415 History of Science in Islam
    • HIST 416 Islamic Arts and Architecture
    • HIST 417 Topics in Islamic History
    • HIST 421 The Gulf and the Arab World
    • HIST 425 Topics in Gulf History
    • HIST 427 Muslim Minorities in the World
    • HIST 431 Nationalism and its Consequences, 1815 to 1914
    • HIST 432 Europe Between the Two World Wars, 1914- 1945
    • HIST 434 Topics in European History
    • HIST 436 Intellectual History of Europe in the 20th Century
    • HIST 470 Modern Latin American History
    • INTA 302 Politics of Oil
    • INTA 345 The Arab Israeli Conflict
    • INTA 433 Europe, the Cold War and the World since 1945
    • SOCI 462 Change in Contemporary Arab Society