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    B.A. in International Affairs

    About the Program

    The International Affairs Program at Qatar University offers a multidisciplinary program at the undergraduate level which provides students with tools to understand the major components that shape today’s world and the theoretical knowledge and practical ability to pursue careers in the international arena. Established in 2006, IAP is at the forefront in gearing students for leadership roles with multinationalimplications.

    The International Affairs Edge

    • Trains students to understand international issues, while maintaining distinct Qatari values;

    • Provides students with transferable skills that will prepare them for leadership positions in a variety of different careers;

    • A specialized program built on the resources of a large university, and strengthened by the close mentorship and support of a strong community of  students, faculty and staff;

    • All the advantages of Qatar University, the largest university in Qatar, including the flexibility to choose electives from other departments according to student interest;

    • Superior communication skills, including proficiency in English and other languages.

    Renowned Faculty

    The program boasts an internationally-renowned scholars in critical fields among its regular faculty and visiting professors specialized in various disciplines included in the program. Please visit Faculty and Staff page.

    Student Activities

    IAP takes learning beyond the classroom. Numerous conferences, seminars, workshops and lectures serve as an integral part of the academic experience. In addition, study-abroad opportunities, internships and field trips in Qatar and abroad enrich individual development.


    The medium of instruction for the B.A. in International Affairs is in Arabic.

    Educational objectives

    The major in International Affairs strives to:

    • Provide Qatari society with highly-qualified graduates in order to support the development of a knowledge-based society, in accordance with Qatar University’s mission.
    • Train future leaders with advanced knowledge and research skills to meet the needs of Qatari society in the areas of politics, domestic and international affairs, and international institutions.
    • Provide students with the skills and knowledge to appreciate and understand the world and its pluralistic heritage in terms of history, cultures, politics, norms, values, economics, and religions.
    • Foster an understanding of the dynamics of globalization and its impact on global and local contexts.
    • Provide Qatar with highly competent graduates who understand the contemporary national, regional and global challenges facing society today.

    Learning Outcomes

    • Analyze global issues, systems and trends from a variety of disciplinary perspectives (political, cultural, economic, geographic, and diplomatic).
    • Utilize discipline-specific information from appropriate sources.
    • Explain the importance of the histories, politics, cultures and perspectives of different regions of the world.
    • Analyze the political, economic, diplomatic and strategic role of Qatar in the Gulf and the region.
    • Evaluate the political and economic impact of energy and natural resources on modern societies and international affairs.
    • Apply qualitative and quantitative research methods skills to international affairs related issues.
    • Communicate findings clearly, analytically and persuasively in both oral and written formats.


    Applicants must satisfy QU defined College and Program requirements including the minimum high school percentage requirement.

    Detailed Undergraduate admission requirements are available at the following link:

    CAS Admission Requirements

    Graduates will be ready for further study and professional careers in public and private sectors, including foreign affairs, international organizations, government, media, civil service and journalism.