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    High Impact Grant - Submitted

    • Secure AI based National Resilience KPIs Platform for E-Governments

    NSPP Grant - Submitted

    • STEM Statistics: Life cyle Assessment of Public Transport using Statistical Methods over the AI/Edge

    Student Grant - Submitted

    • The effect of COVID-19 on student's life and learning abilities: A Case Study of Qatar University


    1. Ali, Y., Shadman, A. and Abbasi, S. A. (2022). Enhancing the detection ability of control charts in profile monitoring by adding RBF ensemble model, Neural Computing and Applications, Published, Early View. [Q1, Impact Factor: 5.606]
    2. Adegoke, N. A., Ajadi, J. O., Mukherjee, A. and Abbasi, S. A. (2022). Nonparametric Multivariate Covariance Chart for Monitoring Individual Observations, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Accepted. [Q1, Impact Factor: 5.431]
    3. Adegoke, N. A., Dawod, A., Adeotio, Q. A., Sanusi, R. A. and Abbasi, S. A. (2022), Monitoring multivariate coefficient of variation for high dimensional processes, Quality and Reliaiblity Engineering International, Accepted. [Q2, Impact Factor: 2.885]
    4. Elmoasry, A., Khan, L. S., Khan, M. and Hussain, I. (2022), A dual layer security scheme for medical images using Hessenberg and singular value decompositions, Multimedia Tools and Appications, Early Access. [Q2, Impact Factor: 2.757]