The Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences has three reserved natural habitat areas within QU Campus. These areas are designated as biology fields, 1,2 and 3 and operate at the level of the organism, community, ecosystem or landscape. Each biology field exhibits notable difference in their biodiversity of flora and fauna. These fields serve as important site to study the diversity and interactions of plants, animals and microorganisms in their natural habitats.
Biology field- Area 1
Biology field-Area “1” is located close to the Physical Activity Building The field –Area is rich in different species of birds, insects and cultivated plants.
Biology Field- Area 2
Biology field Area “2” is situated close to the Arts and Sciences Building. The field land form is with a slope (Mistah) that covered with stones and gravel. It is rich in its biodiversity especially the desert type of flora and fauna; hence considered as a suitable ecological model that can be used by biology students on campus to study the spectrum of biodiversity in Qatar. Five species of birds, desert hare, lizard, spiders and more than fifteen spices of insects and were spotted there.
Student teaching, in the form of field trips, are frequently arranged for the students to identify and collect biological specimens from the field and then to analyze them in the class room. The course structure of Biological and Environmental Sciences Department is very well suited for this kind of field demonstration.
Biology Field- Area 3
Biology field Area “3” lies along the right side of the main entrance, Men’s building.
It is characterized with three different soils combinations along with its different living organism, funa and flora.
The following courses widely use the field for lab sessions:
Biology II
Basic Ecology
Desert Biology
Environmental Biology
Environmental Management and Conservation
Research Project
Biology Field - Flora and Fauna
Flora - The floral community of the biology field is marked with different species of Xerophytes (desert plants) such as Zygophellum quatarense, Acacia sp and Ziziphus.
Fauna - The biology field�s varied fauna includes butterflies, moths, bees, beetles, spiders, frogs, lizards and birds like Pycnonotus leucogenys (White-checked Bullbul), Streptopelia decaocto (collard dove) and Psittacula krameri ( Rose ringed parakeet). Desert hare Lepus capensis is being spotted in the field.

Ecological Fieldwork
Fieldwork requires background information on natural history of the organism and the nature of the habitat (from reading, undertaking computer search, and talking to others with experience). Clear understanding of the principles of data collection of different fauna and flora, effect of time of the year and day on sampling is very important. Furthermore, identification of potential hazards and planning for the safe execution is more vital.
1. Department faculty and staff should inform the concerned person about their class visits for advanced planning;
2. Visitors without prior experience of fieldwork are always guided and instructed by Department faculty and staff;
3. Investigators from other departments and institutions should make a prior arrangement with the concerned person. The request should specify the reason for the visit and the organisms or samples to be examined.
If you would like to visit the Biology Field, kindly contact:
Fatima Al-Khayat
Office Location: SE 216
Office Tel: (+974) 4403-4544
Fax: (+974) 485-1969
Fatma Al-Abdulla
Office Location: SC 122
Office Tel: (+974) 4403-4554
Fax: (+974) 485-1969
Moneera Al-Mesaifri
Office Tel: (+974) 4403-4562
Fax: (+974) 485-1969