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    An event held in the Female campus and arranged by the math lab unit team members. The events consists of several activities like the talents show and math questions competition. It was first held in April 9th, 2014 and will continue to be held in the Spring semester of each academic year.

    Events | Qatar University - Image2The competition was first held in May, 14th 2014. Students were asked to take a photo within Qatar University and link it with one of the mathematical concepts then upload it to the ASU Instagram account. 16 students participated and a voting procedure followed that to choose the winning photo.

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    A competition that is held in the Male campus. The main activity of the event is teams of students competing against each other to solve high level math questions. It was first held in December, 9th 2014. 2 teams each of 5 members participated and solved high level Mathematical questions.


    • Ibrahim Abbas Ahmed
    • Mohammed Mahin Islam
    • Saleem Samer Al Rabadi
    • Saad Mohamed Zain Zain
    • Amil Adel Alkountar

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    It was first held in May, 2015 at the Male campus. It included a series of competitions and entertainment that aimed to bring an atmosphere of fun and positive competition among the university's students through games and puzzles related to mathematics.


    • Mohammed Alkhair Salih
    • Baraa Derar
    • Saleem Alabodi
    • Mohammed Ismail
    • Abdilmajed Omar
    • Navid Ahmed
    • Mohmoud Lemine
    • Ahmed Awad

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    • Saleem Samer Al Rabadi
    • El Tayeb Mohamed El Mami
    • Ahmad Teyseer Abu-Humaid
    • Ibrahim Abbas Ahmed
    • Yousef Nasser Elbordini

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    It was first held in May, 2016, at both campuses, in a collaboration with the Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics in CAS. The event was successful as 485 students participated at the competition. It reflected a unique collaboration between the students affairs and the academic affairs sectors. The contest aimed to create an opportunity for the students to challenge their Math skills at a higher level of critical thinking while competing with each other. It helped the students to get engaged with their colleagues outside classroom setting.

     The male winners:

    • Adeeb Nimry, first place
    • Mohammad Tahir, second place
    • Ali Abdalla, third place.

    The Female winners:

    • Navaira Fathima, first place
    • Asmaa Othman Mohamed, second place
    • Fatima Abbas, second place repeated

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    Collaboration between 3 departments at Qatar University; Student Learning Support Center under the umbrella of students’ affairs, the Department of mathematics, statistics and physics at the College of Arts and Sciences and the Department of Mathematics at foundation program, deanship of general studies. It’s implemented for the third time since 2016.

    The championship is implemented into two different level to provide equal opportunities for all students with respect to their majors to compete and show their math talents:

    • Level 1: for Foundation students and students specialized in Non-scientific majors only.
    • Level 2: is More advanced and targets Engineering and Scientific students. However, it was opened for all undergraduate students to participate with respect to their majors.

    the third QU Math Championship, Level 2 is extended to include participants from Carnegie Mellon and Texas A&M Universities.

    We run the contest separately for females and males, so we have winners from the two levels for each gender separately.

    The total number of participants in the two levels from the three Universities was around 370 students.

    • Level 1(both males and females): 176 from Qatar University only
    • Level 2(both males and females): 194 from Qatar University, Carnegie University and Texas A&M University

    For this year the winners were as follows for the two levels:

    Winners of Level 1 Males:

    • Winner of the first place:  Sharath Gopakumar, from College of  Business and Economics
    • Winner of the second place: Alhasan Mutan, from College of  Business and Economics
    • Winner of the third place:Aiman Baig, from Foundation Program

    Winners of Level 1 Females:

    • Winner of the first place: Rukiye Akkaya, from College of Sharia and Islamic Studies
    • Winner of the second place: Zukhruf Fatima Riyaz, from College of  Business and Economics
    • Winner of the third place:Iman Hassan, from College of Business and Economics

    Winners of Level 2 Males:

    • Winner of the first place:  Keivin Isufaj, Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
    • Winner of the second place: Muhammad Khan, Biological Science, Carnegie Mellon University
    • Winner of the third place:Swapnendu Sanyal, Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University

    Winners of Level 2 Females:

    • Winner of the first place: Dhuha Abou Emter, Mathmatics-Secondray Education, Qatar University
    • Winner of the second place: Mathael Al-Naimi, General Science, Qatar University
    • Winner of the third place:Aya Kanaan, Mathmatics-Secondray Education, Qatar University

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