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    Student Profiles

    Why I chose Qatar University?

    It took me a little while to be able to apply for the program Arabic for Non-Native Speakers from Qatar University. Being from a country with continental size, there was a need to reach personally the Qatari Embassy in the capital of Brazil, BrasÕlia, which is far away from the region I am from. With some paper work behind me, it was time to gather other documents - the list of documents is clear and leaves no doubts - to formally put my application together.

    With the application sent, it was time to await the following procedures, or any kind of communication coming from Qatar University - be sure to check your inbox frequently and make sure the emails from the university do not land in the "spam" folder and remain unread. It may happen and could jeopardize the efforts made so far.

    After going through the first phase, being interviewed and accepted to join the program, some waiting takes places and probably a period of anxiety hits some of the students. In this period, Scholarships and International Admissions Section at Qatar University provides us with necessary information about issues concerning the trip to Qatar - so no need for panic and constant emailing. Of course that since the first days involving the application until the day of arrival in Qatar, it is a long time, but normal to situations alike.

    Life in Qatar

    Upon arrival to Qatar, the next phase takes place as some waiting as well. Until we get the permanent visa, some of the steps necessary are not in the hands of the university, so it is important to leave that in mind.

    Starting Arabic almost from scratch, the first weeks of classes - mixing speaking, listening, reading, writing and a bit of culture - do develop your language skills. And the professors understand that learning Arabic is not an easy task. It can also be frustrating in some cases, since...well, some people start almost from scratch and have difficulties in dealing with the massive amount of things to be learned. No worries, the professors are truly a helping hand. And the diverse environment, students from different backgrounds, is another plus to the program. It is not only learning a language, but learning some lessons for life as the program goes on.

    Why Qatar University?

    My name is Simona Azzali and I'm currently a PhD student in Urban Planning and Design. After a Master's degree and some years spent as a professional in Milan (Italy), I decided to undertake this new experience at Qatar University. As a student with an architectural background, Doha is just the place where you have to be right now and Qatar University gives me the possibility to enrich my learning background, thanks to the excellent programs of study that offers.

    My Experience in the University!

    All my professors, coming from all countries around the world, are extremely well-experienced, engaged, and also available outside the class schedule. The class sizes are small, so student-to-student relationships are valuable, personal, and profitable. In addition, the Campus offers a rich library and several services, as academic support, computer labs, printing and copying centers, cultural events. Finally, the student's community is incredibly diverse, and we are encouraged to get involved with each other and campus life.

    Home Land - Korea

    My home is located in a small island in Korea. However, the island's economy is not so small. The island is a hub for Korean shipbuilding businesses. The view of the shipbuilding site is just amazing to see if I climb a mountain nearby. Recently, the shipbuilding factories have begun to produce FPSOs (Floating Production Storage and Offloading) which extracts, process and store crude oil. The popularity of the ship has increased significantly and the model has become one of thrusting engine for the Korean economy. Seeing those results, I have become interested in Gulf countries and dreamed about studying in those reinter states.

    How did you find us?

    However, I had no idea about where to start. I have searched for exchange programs that my university (Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan) provided. In Gulf region, there were two choices; Abu Dhabi or Doha. UAE seems like a good option but I have chosen Qatar because I thought that Qatar would have more scent of Arab.

    Application Process

    At the time when I applied for Qatar University for my exchange, I knew nothing about the university or country. However, I had this dream of being in Gulf. Thus, I had proceeded with my applications. The application went really smooth because both Waseda University and Qatar University worked very hard for my exchange program. By the time I arrived in Doha, I was quite well informed about this state since the Scholarships and International Admissions Section of Qatar University has sent me many informative e-mails.

    Life at Qatar University

    The Qatar University was truly amazing. The buildings were so well built and courses provided were very practical. It was great to know that the College of Business and Economics has been providing general finance courses and Islamic finance courses. It would be a great experience for me to take the courses which are challenging and unique. About general living, it is amazing to see well built dormitories with gyms and computer labs. I hope I learn as much as I can about this country Qatar. I am proud that I am here in Qatar as an exchange student. I believe that I am lucky man since I study in the university with overwhelming potentials

    Who I am?

    My name is Rebecca Bearden. I am an international student from the United States of America. I am in my first year at Qatar University studying in the Biomedical Sciences master's degree program.

    I am in Qatar

    Qatar is one of the most unique places in the world because of the country's very ambitious visions and home of many prestigious institutions making the local university an appealing place to study. Qatar University meets my interests academically and connects to my future career goals because of the strength of their science programs and research environment. The biomedical science program at QU keeps me engaged in the current advances in the international scientific community while closely interacting with other graduate students and faculty in these fields. The professors are highly qualified and experienced in their fields and the small class sizes allow me to actively participate in class and ask many questions outside of class taking full advantage in learning from these academics. In addition, the entire faculty and staff are very helpful and I feel comfortable knowing they are here to help us succeed. Taking the opportunity to study here in Qatar has benefited my education greatly, while allowing me to make even deeper connections with the culture in this region. Qatar is full of life and rich in traditions and the Scholarships and International Admissions Section encourages us to join many excursions organized by the University to experience all that the country has to offer.

    And in Qatar University

    The diverse student body at the Qatar University provides the type of environment in which I can meet and develop long lasting relationships with a group of students all with a common goal of attaining a world class education. My experiences at Qatar University have been wonderful so far and I am looking forward to continuing my studies here.

    Why chose Qatar University?

    I found out about this specific program as I was searching in internet where to find a good Arabic program. I read the reviews, found it interesting, and applied. When I received the news that I was admitted, I was really happy that I was chosen, but at the same time I had to take into consideration that now it was real. I was going to spend an important moment of my life in the program and in Qatar, a country that I knew few about. It was an important decision to make, and not a simple one for academic and personal reasons. My background is in Political Science and International Relations (IR), (not in languages, although I speak correctly four languages) so it looked enough absurd to whoever I spoke about the decision that I had made, that now at this moment of my life, I had decided to learn Arabic from scratch, but I had my reasons, and I pursued in my aim... with caution obviously. Well, the experience turns out to be just Outstanding!!!

    My Experience in Qatar University and Arabic Program!

    I have been studying abroad since long time now, in several countries and great universities, but I am completely enthusiastic about the outcome. The teaching quality is highly efficient and professional, the best I have ever seen for teaching a language at the university, partly because is concentrated partly because the professors are highly prepared, passionate and energetic. The program is intensive and challenging, you need to struggle a lot to catch up if you are a beginner but after the initial frustration there is indeed a very positive feeling in progressing so fast and such in a short period. The satisfaction you have from being in the program is the best part for me, but at the same time, living in Doha has turned out to be a complete new and nice experience. My colleagues among the international students are interesting, with a rich personal and academic background, and everyone contributes in being part of an environment which is at the same time stimulating and friendly.

    Life in Qatar

    The Qataris we have met, and the Arab world we have been introduced at has welcomed us in the best way. I can never stress what a wonderful hospitality we have found among people in this country and how much I appreciate it. Everywhere we have gone, and been people have demonstrated to be genuinely nice, and there is always something to do if you ever get homesick of if you are keen to discover new things, Doha is an important art city, something I personally appreciate a lot, there are interesting theatres, ballets, museums and exhibitions that you just can't miss seeing and visiting as part of your journey of life in Qatar. Although the society may be considered conservative compared to western societies, I have never personally faced any problem, respect of the traditions is needed, but at the same time being focused on the great chance you have to achieve your goal is helpful to overcome any possible cultural shock or unpleasant experience.

    Applying for the scholarship to study in the Arabic for Non-Native Speakers Program (ANNS) at Qatar University was easy and I didn`t face any problems. Once I got accepted as a new student I had a bunch of questions and was so confused about accommodation, immigration procedures and air plane ticket mostly. But the updating emails with necessary information from Scholarships and International Admissions Section was very helpful despite my constant and annoying questions!

    Once I arrived at Doha there were some post arrival procedures we had to implement for a short period of time, but we didn`t feel it is hectic as we had have enough instructions and guidance from Scholarships and International Admissions Section. The employees working in the administration were very kind and helpful and made it easier for us to complete the procedures.

    From an academic point of view the program surpassed all my expectations. The professors were not only qualified and experienced in teaching Arabic but had a wide range of knowledge in many other fields which I also absorbed. Moreover, I consider that my Arabic improved tremendously, thanks to the rich program in matter of subjects which develop your language skills in speaking, reading, writing, listening and literature. Last but not least, the professors were empathized with those students who had personal problem and tried to help them. Beyond the class room activities, the program arranged monthly field trips for ANNS students planned to enhance students' lives in Doha

    My overall impressions are very nice. I enjoyed ANNS program so much and I am very grateful to Qatar University and my teachers that they made it remarkable.

    My name is Ammar Al Ismail and I am a senior student at Qatar University majoring in Finance and Marketing at College of Business and Economics. Originally from Bosnia and Herzegovina, I came to Qatar three years ago to pursue my undergraduate degree.

    Qatar University attracted my attention because of its aspirations to become the best in the region, and in the past years I have witnessed the tremendous progress that has been made.

    In addition to attracting excellent professors and lecturers in order to enrich our learning experience, the university offers various non-academic services, trips as well as cultural and sports events. Personally, I take a great advantage of the sports facilities on campus such as the swimming pool, gym and the football stadium.

    The process of applying to Qatar University, and eventually arriving in Doha, is made simple with the help of the Scholarships and International Admissions Section that strives to make us feel at home in Qatar from day one.

    My name is Nafay Choudhury. I am a student in the Arabic Program for Non-Native Speakers, studying at the intermediate level. I traveled to Qatar from Canada, after completing a law degree from my previous university.

    Qatar University brings together professors who have studied at top institutions worldwide and that are serious about their work. I know that in my case, my Arabic professors were passionate about teaching, and this motivate students to work their hardest, despite the difficult in learning a new language.

    My classes offered me quite a bit of variety. I practiced not only reading, writing and speaking, but also learned ways to approach Arabic media. Qatar University also hosts many out-of-class activities for students wanting a well-rounded schedule. In my case, I frequented the Olympic pool three time a week, and I participated in the Cultural Village, where I learned about students cultures across the world.

    The admission process was straight-forward. Importantly, if I had any questions about the process, I would send an email to the university staff, and they were very quick to respond to my query. Upon my arrival in Qatar, the Scholarships and International Admissions Section worked hard to ensure that all our administrative requirements were taken care. Though the process can be time consuming, the ISS would keep us regularly updated and all the steps, so student do not need to fear getting lost in the process.

    My experience is Qatar has overall been positive. Living in Qatar for the year, and moreover studying Arabic, has provided me exposure to not only Qatar but also the cultures and people of the entire Gulf region.

    My name is Abdul-Qudus Olamilekan Shuaib from Nigeria and I am a student at Qatar University Arabic Program for Non-native Speakers. I joined the University in September 2012.

    I was really fascinated with all the well organized and dedicated efforts of Scholarships and International Admissions Section by furnishing the necessary information and on time instructions to guide the students before and after their arrival to Doha. The Orientation event gives a chance to build a friendly relationship between international students.

    The academic achievements from the Arabic program was excellent and it was beyond my expectations. The professors were very qualified and experienced in their fields and they encouraged the students to get involved with each other and it was a privilege to study with them. It was an incredible experience and I thank Qatar University, Scholarships and International Admissions Section and my teachers in Arabic Program.

    My name is Mohammad Numan from India. I am an international student at Qatar University. This is my 4th semester in the university. If I would asked to describe my journey at Qatar University, I would say that it was fantastic. As Qatar University really cares about its students, and encourages them for a better academic life. For instance, Scholarships and International Admissions Section provides its students with broadest support services which ease their academic journey at QU.

    Qatar University has very qualified and professional professors. They are tremendously fantastic in terms of teaching skills, with amazing knowledge. In Addition to, Qatar University has a massive library; thus, the students do not need to go to other libraries in the country in search of books.

    Furthermore, the Student Activities Building is well equipped with a large number of sports facilities. In fact, this is my favorite area in the university after the library, because there are different kind of activities and various games; such as billiards, football and tennis tables.

    I enjoy my free time in the activities building. In short, my experience was fantastic in two years of my university studies.

    My name is Jennifer Adcock, and I was a visiting undergraduate student from the United States of America. I attended Qatar University as a study abroad student for the 2011-2012 academic school year. 

    During my time at QU I took classes from primarily the College of Arts and Sciences, in the International Affairs department. The class sizes are small, so student-to-student relationships are valuable, personal, and interactive. My professors were all very engaged, diverse, and extremely experienced in their fields, and it was a privilege to study with them.

    The Qatar University community is also incredibly diverse, and students are encouraged to get involved with each other and campus life. I lived in the female housing run by the university, and met amazing friends from all over the world. Services provided by QU include academic support, computer labs, printing and copying centers, counseling, sports equipment, bus shuttles, and places to eat on-campus.

    If you have any questions about anything, as an international student, the first place to look is the Scholarships and International Admissions Section, whose staff is very knowledgeable and supportive. My experience was unique because I was simply a visiting student, enrolled for one year in the mainstream university.