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    Peer Helpers Program

    The Integrated Peer Helpers Program is a component of a comprehensive support program developed to assist students with ample knowledge and practical skills useful in addressing wellbeing, career, and academic issues.

    The Peer Helpers Program is an initiative between The Career Development Center, The Student Learning Support Center, The Student Counselling Center, the Academic Advising Center, and Special Needs Center. 


    What do you benefit from being a peer helper?

    1. Enhance skills, knowledge, and attitudes needed for the highly competitive labor market.
    2. Provides a greater understanding and utilizing of services provided by the Student Development Centers.
    3. Manages Stress that result from academic, social and/or personal lives; and increasing resilience.
    4. Develop organization and time management skills.
    5. Enrich communication skills.
    6. Enhance motivation.
    7. Build self-esteem and create sense of pride in helping others

    Join The Peer Helper Training Program and become “A Peer Helper” to assist your fellow students in dealing with academic and life challenges.

    You need to be eligible to register at the Student Employment Program.