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    Student Affairs Strategic Plan

    Qatar University's 2018-2023 Strategy (from reform to transformation) aims to achieve six transformative strategic goals. From the six strategic goals, seven strategies have been identified, each underpinned by strategic objectives and initiatives. One of these seven strategies is the "student experience strategy that is linked to the third goal (Graduates’ Excellence), which states: "The preparation of a graduate with an integrated personality, features and values that will maximize his impact and effective role."

    All strategic initiatives of the Student Affairs are derived from two main themes: Student Success and Student Experience. To enrich students' journey and ensure their success, many programs and frameworks have been developed to create a positive and stimulating educational environment for the student at the academic and non-academic levels; this will result in preparing an efficient graduate equipped with the desired attributes, qualifications and skills.

    Strategic Goal

    Strategic Objective

    Strategic Initiatives

    Graduates' Excellence:
    To prepare graduates who are well-rounded with attributes and values that maximize their impact.



    3.1 Provide students with a Student Experience Framework, which provides an environment to engage with their studies, and extra-curricular opportunities through which they can develop the essential QU graduate attributes, competencies, and employability skills.


    3.1.1 Create an over-arching, all-encompassing enrollment management plan that addresses recruitment, retention, success, and graduation.
    3.1.2 Promote operational efficiency and effectiveness using Lean Management tools.
    3.1.3 Establish a comprehensive student experience program master plan that targets key transition and developmental needs of QU students (e.g.: PET, FYE, SYE, and other targeted programs).

    3.2 Ensure students’ needs, aspirations and expectations are understood through regular and comprehensive assessment, evaluation, and data-based action. (Assessment)

    3.2.1 Design, develop and implement an assessment and evaluation model that applies to all initiatives.

    3.4 Provide student support that is pro-active as well as reactive, and that grants students the opportunity to fulfill their potential through timely and helpful feedback.

    3.4.1 Design, develop, and implement an early identification and intervention plan for students who may be at-risk academically, personally and/or socially.
    3.4.2 Create a student life-cycle advising program designed to address the developmental, academic and holistic learning needs of students at QU. 

    Strategic Initiative 3.1.1:

    Create an over-arching, all-encompassing enrollment management plan that addresses recruitment, retention, success, and graduation. This initiative has two enabler frameworks, as follows:

    This framework aims to "Develop a strategic recruitment and enrollment plan that attracts and retains highly qualified Qataris (mainly male students) to pursue undergraduate education at QU and cuts across all levels of university progression.

    Moreover, Qatar University Student Affairs envisions the Strategic Enrollment Management SEM as follows:

    To develop and implement informed dynamic enrollment management strategies to attract aspiring/ambitious and competent/promising students in careers that fit their capabilities and in alignment with the national needs in an appealing and distinctive academic environment for all students.

    In light of this vision, the proposed framework has five key areas that affect enrollment at QU:

    • Student Recruitment and Enrollment Planning
    • Retention and Success
    • Academic Programs and Services
    • Marketing, Communications, and Outreach
    • Infrastructure and Physical Resources

    Worth mentioning that, the proposed QU SEM Framework focuses on undergraduate students. The following categories of students were identified in light of the proposed framework:

    • Qatari students
    • Qatari male students
    • Female students
    • Readmission students
    • High achievers (Qataris, high school students scoring 90 and above in grades 11 and 12), identified students will undergo additional training/program at grades 10 and 11, which will be comprehensive. Suggested targets are to have 70% of these students enrolled in STEM
    • Gifted students: Students with specific talent in arts, math, athletics, etc.
    • Non-Qatari students
    • Transfer (from other universities to QU)
    • Non-traditional students (Army, police, married, employed, athletes, etc.)

    This framework aims to ensure retaining and supporting students until graduation. It is based on eight main pillars:

    • Academic Advising
    • Social Connectedness
    • Student Engagement
    • Positive approachability of faculty and staff
    • Business Procedures
    • Learning Experiences
    • Student Support Services
    • Campus Environment

    The framework includes five key main deliverables, including what should be done to enhance retention at Qatar University:

    • Transform Qatar University into a welcoming, accessible, comfortable, attractive, safe and supportive campus that embraces diversity and innovation.
    • Enhance existing and develop new accessible, proactive, integrated support services that cater to the different needs of students.
    • Establish engaging, formal, and informal communication channels that are efficient, reliable, and standardized.
    • Create a proactive and innovative environment that promotes both individual and collaborative learning.
    • Optimize, digitize and standardize new and existing University business procedures to ensure accessibility, effectiveness and efficiency.

    Strategic Initiative 3.1.2

    Promote operational efficiency and effectiveness using Lean Management tools.

    The Student Affairs Sector has adopted a Lean Management methodology and culture to promote human efforts based on the implementation of all strategic initiatives. The approximately 70 projects included in this initiative aim to improve the efficiency of all services provided by the student affairs, either by eliminating or reducing errors, the number of papers used and by saving time and effort in performing daily tasks, which in turn:

    • Improve the quality of services provided.
    • Increase the satisfaction of the recipients of these services.
    • Ensure continuous improvements in the quality of services provided by all departments.
    • Meet the needs and aspirations of recipients of these services.

    Strategic Initiative 3.1.3

    Establish a comprehensive student experience program master plan that targets key transition and developmental needs of QU students (e.g.: PET, FYE, SYE, and other targeted programs).

    This initiative develops and implements a comprehensive student experience plan through three programs:

    • Pre-university program
    • First-year student Experience program
    • Second Year Student Experience program

    The focus has been on first and second-year students due to the importance of the first years in the student's university journey, in addition to the fact that the largest proportion of students at Qatar University are students of these two years. The third and fourth-year programs will be addressed in the next strategic cycle.

    The framework of this program aims to attract high school students (especially Qatari males) to study at the university, so that Qatar University becomes their first choice, in addition to distinguished and talented students. The framework of the Pre-university program focuses on four basic themes that require competent human resources and high-quality technical platforms:

      • Providing a unique experience for new students at Qatar University.
      • Encouraging Qatari students to join STEM.
      • Attracting and enrolling male Qatari students.
      • Attracting talented and distinguished students.

    This program is based on five main pillars:

    • Activities for high school students from the beginning of secondary school.
    • Activities supporting the transition to university life: the electronic orientation program for new students and the extended orientation program.
    • Application and admissions processes.
    • Meetings with university representatives.
    • A long-term communication plan with external partners from schools, students, government institutions and society in general.

    The main objective of the First-Year Experience Program is to develop a comprehensive plan for the first-year students (FYS) in a way that meets the unique nature of Qatar University (QU) students and serves their needs.

    The framework is based on four main pillars:

    • Affiliation: This includes a range of activities that promote loyalty and belonging to Qatar University,
    • Engagement: In university life, which includes a range of activities, aimed at enriching the students’ university experience, increasing their interaction and involvement in programs and activities on and off-campus.
    • Integration: Set of integrated activities, all of which aim to expand the choices and opportunities for First Year students and let them feel comfortable and enthusiastic.
    • Transition: From pre-university stage to university, which includes a range of activities that help overcome the challenges of moving to a new stage in the life of first-year students.
      The first year students' program is based on many activities and opportunities that support the growth and development of students through the following learning outcomes.

    At the end of the first-year, students will:

    • Gain and demonstrate the necessary skills to establish a successful academic plan and career selection.
    • Demonstrate basic knowledge of available university resources.
    • Acquire and practice necessary skills that contribute to their academic growth.
    • Demonstrate personal growth and development.

    The Second-Year Experience (SYE) Program seeks to provide a framework for second-year students that facilitates their effective transition from first to the second year and prepares them to be successful in their third year of study at Qatar University. During their second year at QU, students move from the more random exploration of college life to a more focused pursuit of a major, a career and an overall purpose in life.

    To promote student success, the SYE initiative provides; programs, interventions and on-going support to help students better manage second-year transition issues. In addition to this, the SYE program creates opportunities for students that build upon student engagement and success.
    The framework is based on three main pillars:

    • Building connections with the QU community.
    • Exploring the actual meaning of learning.
    • Identifying the purpose of University life.

    By the end of their second-year at Qatar University, students will be able to:

    • Establish personal identity and develop/refine their academic, social and career purpose.
    • Discover and utilize campus resources.
    • Develop personal and professional relationships.
    • Explore and refine major and career options.
    • Explore the concept of community engagement and service at Qatar University.
    • Increase self-awareness, emotional intelligence and leadership skills.
    • Apply skills for success in the community, society, nation and world.
    • Record co- and extra-curricular achievements in the QU co-curricular transcript (QU-CCT) and make the connection between current engagement/action and future success.

    Strategic Initiative 3.4.2

    Create a student life-cycle advising program designed to address the developmental, academic and holistic learning needs of students at QU. 

    The Student Life-Cycle Advising Program designed for the use of the five centers under Student Success and Development Division, which are:

    • Advising Center (AAC)
    • Student Learning Support Center (SLSC)
    • Career Development Center (CDC)
    • Inclusion and Special Needs Support Center (ISNSC)
    • Student Counseling Center (SCC)

    The Program framework is a comprehensive and data-informed framework that focuses on the entire student journey, from prior to admission until graduation, to ensure student success. The framework provides QU students with holistic model for academic/intellectual, emotional, psychological, social, experiential interest and career support in order to assist students in achieving their educational, career and life goals.

    The framework consists of five main domains, which are:

    • Proactive Approach
    • Visibility and clarity: Raising Awareness
    • Accessible, relevant and approved support services
    • Diversification of delivery methods
    • Knowledgeable and supportive support providers

    Student Affairs Strategic Plan | Qatar University - Image1 

    Interconnected Initiatives

    To promote human efforts based on the implementation of the above-mentioned initiatives, the Student Affairs at QU has adopted a culture of continuous professional development for all its practitioners by providing annual and seasonal professional development plans. This approach aims at meeting the needs of implementing strategic initiatives without losing sight of the needs of professional development at the Department or individual levels.