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    Vision, Mission & Objectives


    In adhering to the general mission of Qatar University and the College of Education, the Department of Curriculum and Instruction fosters teaching and learning through research and other scholarly endeavors and supports the preparation and development of teachers and educators who will play a leading role in their disciplines, schools, and community. It also fosters educational practices that encourage and exemplify democracy, tolerance and equity in a unified and patriotic society taking its principles and roots from a well-established history and heritage of Arabic – Islamic origins.



    The mission of the Department of Educational Sciences is to have its vision materialized, the Department of Educational Sciences puts every effort in the preparation and continuing education of K-12 teachers and educators. Its programs both at the graduate and undergraduate levels with their various components of coursework and field experiences are designed to prepare teachers who are ready for the educational challenges of today’s world. The Department excels in graduating professional teachers who are reflective thinkers, problem solvers, and decision makers who can successfully meet the increasing demands of a world full of social, economic, and cultural/linguistic diversity. The programs offered by the Department of Educational Sciences are, therefore, well-proportioned to cater for research, practicum and subject knowledge: three components that are necessary for a well-rounded 21st century teacher.



    • Educational preparation of the human power to work at different education institutions in diverse jobs and specializations in a way that qualifies these individuals for continual professional development and higher studies.
    • Preparation and implementation of programs and training sessions in the fields of professional development, educational leadership, and information and computer technology in education.
    • Participation in community service and activating partnership between the College of Education and society institutions and different sectors through research projects and investment services that can participate in developing Education and solving society problems.
    • Encouragement of scientific research, in collaboration with the Center for Education Research and Development and other academic departments