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    Vision Mission & Objectives


    Contributing to the efforts of taking Qatar to the peak through educational knowledge, visual culture, and artistic skills


    The mission of the Department of Art Education in the College of Education- Qatar University - is to train art teachers (K-12) according to the highest standards adopted by Art teachers’ preparation programs worldwide, ensuring that they are capable of teaching art in schools according to international standards. In addition to preparing qualified art teachers for Art Education, the program promotes visual literacy and art appreciation among the university community, as well as the Qatari community as a whole.

    Educational Objectives

    • To train art teachers according to the highest international standards of art teacher’s preparation practices.
    • To embed art advocacy in art teachers, so they become a link between the art world and the public through schools’ daily interaction with the community.
    • Providing general education student population, from elementary to high schools, with the appropriate training and, hence, feed university disciplines that require high creativity and artistic talent with the type of students it needs.
    • Appropriately acquaint art teachers with the world of art; nationally and internationally.
    • To encourage art teachers to remain life-long practicing artists.