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    Quality English Writing Project

    Towards Quality Writing

    Quality English Writing Project | Qatar University - Image1 

    About us

    Quality English Writing Program is a research-based project that aims at improving teachers’ instructional writing practices as well as enhancing students’ writing potential. The project involves implementing Process-Genre Approach (PGA) where the integration of two major approaches takes place, the Process Approach and the Genre Approach. Such approaches in writing newly recognized in the Qatari public schools.

    Our Objectives

    • To build teacher's capacity in teaching using PGA model.
    • To develop student's writing skills in preparatory stages using the PGA model.

    Targeted Audience

    Teachers and Students at Preparatory Public Schools in Qatar

    Our Activities

    • Training teachers to apply the program methodology in the participating schools.
    • Following up the implementation of the program through class observation.
    • Provide feedback for enhancement.
    • Building learning communities among teachers with the aim of promoting effective practices.