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    About the ERC

    About the Educational Research Center:

    As part of the College of Education’s endeavor to develop an ambitious and future research plan in line with Qatar University's scientific research strategy, the Educational Research Center was established in the fall of 2020 to build research capabilities and competencies, improve the quality of scientific research, enhance research output, and increase influential research outputs.

    Our Vision: Excellence in educational research, the ability to bring about change and innovation, and contribute to the improvement of the education system in the State of Qatar.

    Our Mission: To participate in educational research for sustainable development in Qatar, and to provide research-based answers to educational challenges in the country in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education.

    Our Values: To achieve its vision and mission, the Educational Research Center is guided by the core values of Qatar University as follows:

    Excellence: Commitment to excellence in the field of educational research.

    Integrity: Commitment to integrity and the highest ethical standards in the field of educational research.

    Academic Freedom: Provide an educational environment that supports freedom of inquiry, expression, and the search for and expression of truth wisely and responsibly.

    Creativity: By encouraging researchers to think independently in an atmosphere of freedom to reach innovative solutions, overcome obstacles and overcome challenges.

    Social Responsibility: Promoting positive community participation and initiating an effective contribution to the development of society by catering to its needs and aspirations.



    -        Promoting the culture of scientific research at the College of Education and Qatar University, and committing to cooperation and knowledge exchange.

    -        Enriching the research base at the College of Education and Qatar University through the completion and publication of research in the fields related to education across its various stages (primary, preparatory, secondary, university).

    -        Enhancing capacity building within the College of Education, institutes and centers at Qatar University, and the Ministry of Education and Higher Education.

    -        Cooperating with partners inside and outside Qatar University (universities, institutes, and research centers) to implement research projects in the fields of education.

    -        Working with educational policy makers and contributing to effective solutions to educational challenges and problems in Qatar.

    -        Working to increase opportunities for funding scientific research.