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    Publication 2010 - 2006

    This section contains a list of publications generated by the CBE faculty members during (2010 - 2006)


    • Hindi, Nitham, Abu Huziema, and Rasha Jamal. 2010. “Management Accounting System Application In Banks in the State of Qatar,” International Journal of Knowledge and Learning. (Volume 6, Nos. 2/3): 200-228.

    • Hindi, Nitham, Mustafa, and Mohammad Ali. 2010. “Capital Budgeting Practices: The Case of Qatar,” Studies in Business and Economics. (Volume 15, No. 2): 39-54

    • Hindi, Nitham and Rich, John. 2010. “Financial Reporting on the Internet: Evidence from the Fortune 100,” Management Accounting Quarterly. (Volume 11, Number 2): 11-21.

    • “IS Success Model in E-Learning Context Based on Students' Perceptions,” Journal of Information Systems Education, Vol. 21, No. 2, Summer 2010, pp. 173-184 (co-author with Freeze, R., Alshare, K., Lane, P., and Wen, H.).

    • HAMMAMI.H & M.HOSSEIN (2010), “Perceptions of the Accountant By Business Students and Business Professionals in an Emerging Country: The Case of Qatar” Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues, Vol3, Issue 1, March.

    • Saidi. F (2010), "Segment Reporting and Corporate Governance: The Case of ICCA 1701” American Accounting Association, 2010 Southeast Region Meeting, April 8-10, Mobile, Alabama, USA.

    • Manochehri, Nick-Naser. and Khurram Sharif, “A Model-Based Investigation of Learner Attitude Towards Recently Introduced Classroom Technology”, Journal of Information Technology Education (JITE), Vol. 9, 2010, pp. 31-52.

    • Sobh R. Approach and Avoidance Self-Regulation: Impact on Consumer Motivation, Preferences and Underlying Processes, 2010, VDM: Germany

    • Najam U. Saqib, Norman Frohlich, and Edward Bruning (2010), “The influence of involvement on the endowment effect: The moveable value function,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 20 (July), 355-368.

    • Hicham, B."Financial Leverage and the Channeling of Resources: Profit Loss Sharing Under the Framework of Islamic Financial Institutions Banks and Bank Systems", Vol. 5, No. 4, 2010, pp. 74-77

    • Hicham, B."Evans and Archer, Forty Years Later Investment Management and Financial Innovations", Vol. 7, No.1, 2010, p

    • Maher, Amro and Sarah Mady (2010) “Animosity, Subjective Norms and Anticipated Emotions during an International Crises,” International Marketing Review, 27(6). 630-651.(Full Text)

    • Maher, Amro, Paul Clark and Ahmed Maher (2010) “International Consumer Admiration and the Persistence of Animosity,” Journal of Consumer Marketing, 27(5), 414-424. (Full Text)

    • Maher, Amro and Anusorn Singhapakdi (2010)“The Impact of Collective Guilt on the Preference for Japanese Products,” Journal of the Global Academy of Marketing Science, 20(2). (Full Text)

    • Faisal, Mohd. Nishat (2010) “Analyzing the Barriers to Corporate Social Responsibility in Supply Chains: An Interpretive Structural Modeling Approach” International Journal of Logistics: Research & Applications, Vol. 13 No. 3, pp. 179-195.

    • Faisal, Mohd. Nishat (2010) “Sustainable Supply Chains: A Study of Interaction among the Enablers”, Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 16 No. 3, pp. 508-529.

    • A. Hasna, S. A. Raza, “The Status of Awareness of Project Portfolio Management Practices and Adaptation in Gulf Countries- An Empirical Study ”, Accepted for publication in International Journal of Project Organisation and Management, January 2010

    • S. A. Raza, A. Akgunduz, “The Impact of Fare Pricing Cooperation in Airline Revenue Management”, International Journal of Operational Research, vol 7, iss. 3, pp. 277-296, 2010

    • Manochehri, N. And Sharif, K. J. (2010): A model-based investigation of learner attitude towards recently introduced classroom technology, Journal of Information Technology Education, Vol. 9, pp. 31-52.

    • Salaheldin, S. I., Sharif, K. J. And Al-Alami, M. (2010): Utilization of project management software in Qatari government organizations: A field-force analysis, International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 1-15.

    • Al-Kwauwari, D. (2010) To Pay or Not to Pay ?: Using Emerging Panel Data to Identify Factors Influencing Corporate Dividend Payout Decisions International Research Journal of Finance and Economics 42 , 19-36

    • “Disentangling incentives effects of insurance coverage from adverse selection in the case of drug expenditure: a finite mixture approach”, (2010), Health Economics, 19, 1093-1108. (with P.K. Trivedi)1(with P.K.9, 1093-1108

    • Kaitibie, S., A. Omore, K. Rich, and P. Kristjanson. 2010. Kenya Dairy Policy Change: Influence Pathways and Economic Impacts. World Development 38, 10:1494-1505.


    • Nabhan, Reem and Hindi, Nitham. 2009. “Bank Fraud: Perception of Banks in State of Qatar,” Academy of Banking Studies Journal. (Volume 8, Number 1): 15-38.

    • HAMMAMI.H & H.FEDHILA (2009), "Accounting Education in Developing Countries: Can Expert Systems Be an Alternative/Support to accounting Professors ?" submitted to the Afro-Asian Journal of Accounting and Finance, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp.353–366.

    • HOSSEIN.M & H.HAMMAMI (2009), “Voluntary Disclosure in the Annual reports of Qatari companies: An empirical Assessment”, Advances in Accounting Incorporating Advances in International Accounting, Vol 25, Issue 2.

    • Hicham, B."Portfolio Diversification: Evidence from Qatar and the UAE International Journal of Economic Issues", Vol. 2, No. 1, 2009, pp. 9-15

    • Hicham, B."An Empirical Investigation of the Use of Humor in University Classrooms Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues", Vol. 2, No. 4, 2009, pp. 312-322

    • Hicham, B."Index Funds and Diversification in Saudi Arabia (with M.A. Abdullah) International Journal of Islamic & Middle Eastern Finance and Management", Vol. 2, No3, 2009, pp. 201-212 (Won the “2010 Highly Commended Award”)

    • Hicham, B."“Existence of Financial Equilibria with Restricted Participation,’’ with Bernard Cornet (2009), in Journal of Mathematical Economics, 45, pp. 772-786

    • Zeitun, R., (2009), "The Non-Linear Effects of Ownership Structure on Corporate Performance: Evidence from Emerging Market", Corporate Ownership & Control, Volume 7.

    • Zeitun, R., (2009), "Ownership Structure and Corporate Performance: Evidence from Panel Data of Emerging Market the Case of Jordan", Corporate Ownership & Control, Volume 6, Issue 4.

    • Rich, K.M., B.D. Perry and S. Kaitibie. 2009. Commodity-based trade and market access for developing country livestock products: the case of beef exports from Ethiopia. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 12, 3:1-22.

    • “A Bayesian Analysis of the OPES Model with a Non-parametric Component: Application to Dental Insurance and Dental Care,” (2009), Accepted to Advances in Econometrics, Volume 23: Bayesian Econometrics (with P.K. Trivedi),

    • Aruna Dhade, Ram Krishna Vyas “An Impact of New Private Sector Banks on State Bank of India : Special Reference to Madhya Pradesh" forthcoming publication in FINANCE INDIA December 2009 (Vol XXIII No 4).

    • Aruna Dhade Manish Mittal “ Impact of Buyback Announcement on Stock Returns : A Study of Indian Stock Market,” GITAM Journal of Management. July-Sept 2009 Vol. 7. No. 3 Pp65-81.

    • Aruna Dhade , Manish Mittal “Awareness and Perception of CAMEL Rating Across Banks: Some Survey Evidence"'The Icfai University Journal of Bank Management Quarterly. ICFAI University Press. India ' May 2009.

    • Fiebig, D., Haas, M., Hossain, I., Street, D,, Viney, R., “Decisions about Pap tests: What influences women and providers?” Social Science & Medicine, 68, 10, pp. 1766 - 1774, 2009.

    • Al-Kuwari, D.(2009) Determinants of the Dividend Policy of Companies Listed on Emerging Stock Exchanges: The Case of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries, Global Economy & Finance Journal 2, pp38-63

    • R. S. Al-Khouri, and Muna AlAbed. " The Patter of Intraday Liquidity in Emerging Markets: The case of Amman Stock Exchange." Accepted for publication at The Journal of Derivatives and Hedge Funds , Volume 14, Number 3/4 Issue, 2009. P 265-284.

    • R. S. Al-Khouri, and Nisreen Al-Ghazawi. “ The Effect of Electronic Trading on Market Volatility and Liquidity in Emerging Markets.”The Journal of Derivatives and Hedge Funds,Volume 14, Number 3/4 Issue, 2009. P 222-236.

    • Financial Developments and the Stability of Long-Run Money Demand: Implications for the Conduct of Monetary Policy in Emerging Markets, co-authored, Accepted for publication, Review of Financial Economics, Vol 18 Issue 3, August 2009, P. 124 – 131..

    • Arab Economic Integration: Launching a New Culture, Conference, Alexandria, Egypt, March 2009.

    • Financial Developments and the Stability of Long-Run Money Demand:Implications for the Conduct of Monetary Policy in Emerging Markets, co-authored. Co-authored. Review of Financial Economics, vol. 18, issue 3, August 2009, p. 124-131.

    • Fischer, Eileen, Cele C. Otnes, Brynn Winegard, Eric P. H. Li, and Sarah J. S. Wilner (2009), “Are We There yet? Co-Producing Success and Failure in a ‘Consumer-Intensive’ Service Context,” eds. John F. Sherry, Jr. and Eileen Fischer, Explorations in Consumer Culture Theory, London and New York: Routledge, 101-13.

    • Sharif, K. J. (2009): Category management and customer satisfaction – study of the Kuwaiti grocery retail sector, The Business Review Cambridge, Vol. 14, Issue 1, pp. 306-311.

    • Sharif, K. J. (2009): Relationship between intra and inter organizational service quality perceptions – An empirical testing of modified Service Profit Chain model within Kuwaiti Telecommunications industry, Services Marketing Quarterly, Vol. 30, Issue 3

    • N. M. Al-Balam, S. A. Raza, “Impact of family responsibilities on career success among employees working in the semi-government sector in the state of Qatar”, International Journal of Arab Culture, Management, and Sustainable Development, vol 1, iss. 2, pp. 208-223, 2009

    • S. A. Raza, U. M. Al-Turki “A New Policy for Scheduling Maintenance on a Single Machine”, Accepted for publication in International of Journal of Applied Decision Sciences, October 2009.

    • Salam, N.F. Bhuiyan, G.J. Gouw, S.A. Raza, “Estimating Design Effort for Compressor Design Department: A Case Study at Pratt & Whitney Canada” Design Studies, vol. 30, pp. 303-319, 2009

    • Faisal, Mohd. Nishat (2009) “Benchmarking Supply Chains on Risk Dimensions”, International Journal of Services and Operations Management Vol. 5 No. 3, pp. 402-427.

    • Faisal, Mohd. Nishat. and Banwet, D. K. (2009) “Analyzing Alternatives for Information Technology Outsourcing Decision: An Analytic Network Process Approach”, International Journal of Business Information Systems, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 47-62.

    • Lim, E. N-K., Das, S. S., & Das, A. 2009. “Diversification Strategy, Capital Structure, and The Asian Financial Crisis (1997-98): Evidence from Singapore Firms”. Strategic Management Journal, 30, 577-594.

    • Lim P-X, & Das, S. S. 2009. “Entry in the global liner shipping industry: A population ecology study, 1996-2006”, Maritime Policy and Management Journal, 36(3), 197-213.

    • Hossain, M. and Helmi, H., (2009), “Voluntary Disclosure in the Annual Reports of an Emerging Country: the Case of Qatar”, Advances in Accounting incorporating advances in International Accounting, Elsevier, volume, 25, Issue, 2, pp. 255-265. (ISSN: 0882-6110).

    • Hossain, M. and Sherloy, L., (2009), “Customer Perception on Service Quality in Retail Banking in Middle East: the Case of Qatar”, International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, Emerald, Volume, 2, No. 4, pp. 338-350. (ISSN: 1753-8394).

    • Alshare, K. and Miller, D. (2009) “Student Perceptions of the Importance of Instructor Traits: A cross-Cultural Study,” the Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, Vol. 13 (2), pp. 107-134.*

    • “AMCIS 2008 Panel Summary: Managing Student Projects - Learning From the Past,” The Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 24, 2009. (co-author with Lane, P., Alshare, K., Nickels, D., Armstrong, D., and Rodriguez-Abitia, G.)

    • Alshare, k. and Lane, P. (2009) “The Impact of Class Discussion on Student’s Perception of the Ethical Use of Information Technology: Exploratory Study" International Journal of Education Research, 4 (1), 1-21.

    • Alshare, K., Freeze, R., and Kwun, O. (2009) “Student Intention to use Expert Systems: An Exploratory Study,” The Journal of Computer Information Systems, XLIX (4), 105-113.


    • Hindi, N., Najdawi, M., and Jolo, H. 2008. “An Examination of Assessment Practices in Colleges of Business at Various Middle East Countries,” International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies. (Volume 1, Number 4): 319-332.

    • Hindi, N., Najdawi, M., and Jolo, H. 2008. “An Examination of Assessment Practices in Colleges of Business at Various Middle East Countries,” International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies.(Volume 1, Number 4): 319-332.

    • A Path Analytic Model and Measurement of the Business Value of E-Government: An international Perspective," International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 28 (6), 2008, pp. 524-535. (co-authored with Badri).

    • Alshare, K. and Al-Khateeb, F. (2008) “Predicting Internet Usage in Two Emerging Economies Using an Extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)” the Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 12 (2), pp. 109-128.

    • AL-khater, Khalid and J. Alattar, "The Timeliness of Corporate Reporting in an Emerging Economy: The Case of Qatar" accepted paper in Accounting research, 2008.

    • Hossain, M., (2008), "The Extent of Compliance of Corporate Governance Disclosure: Evidence from Indian Banking Companies", Journal of Corporate Ownership and Control, Ukraine, Volume 5, Issue 4, Summer (continued-4), pp. 274-285. (ISSN 1727-9232).

    • Hossain, M., (2008), "The Extent of Disclosure in Annual Reports of Banking Companies: the Case of India", European Journal of Scientific Research, UK Volume. 23, No. 4, pp. 660-681. (ISSN 1450-216X).

    • Hossain, M and Momin, M. A., (2008), " A Survey of the Extent of Corporate Social Disclosure: the Case of Banking Companies in India", Journal of Corporate Ownership and Control, Ukraine, volume. 5, issue 4, Summer (continued - 4), pp. 286-292.

    • Manochehri, Nick-Naser, Al-Badi, Ali H., Naqvi, Syed J., and Al-Solbi, Ali N. “Ensuring Quality and Retaining Applicants in MBA Programs: The Case of SQU”, Quarterly Review of Distance Education (QRDE), Vol. 9 (3), 2008, pp. 317-325.

    • Manochehri, Nick-Naser, “Individual learning style effects on student satisfaction in a web based environment” International Journal of Instructional Media (IJIM), Vol. 35(2), 2008.

    • “An empirical study of the perceptions of the quality of Internal Audit departments at the United Kingdom firms Under the regimes of Total Quality Management”, Studies in Business and Economics, March 2008

    • Hindi, N., Najdawi, M., and Jolo, H. Forthcoming. An Examination of Assessment Practices in Colleges of Business at Various Middle East Countries Compared to the United States,” International Journal of Management Development.

    • “An Examination of Assessment Practices in Colleges of Business at Various Middle East Countries”, with Nitham Hindi and Hind Jolo, International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies, Vol.1, No.4, 2008, pp. 219-332.Jolo, International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies, Vol.1, No.4, 2008, pp. 219-332.

    • “Expert Systems for Strategic Planning in Operations Management: A Framework for Executive Decisions”, With Chung and Salaheldin, International Journal Management and Decision Making, Vol. 9, No. 3, March 2008, pp. 310-327

    • Hindi, Nitham, Najdawi, Mohammad, and Jolo, Hend , (2008), An examination of assessment practices in colleges of business at various middle east countries, Int. J. Teaching and Case Studies, Vol. 1, No. 4, 2008

    • Das, S. S. & Haoying, Z. 2008. “Innovation in high-technology SMEs : Insights from Singapore", International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 5(4), 475-494.

    • Najam U. Saqib, and Raj Manchanda (2008), “Consumers’ Evaluations of Co-Branded Products: The Licensing Effect,” Journal of Product and Brand Management, 17(2), 73-81.

    • Faisal, Mohd. Nishat., and Rahman, Z. (2008) “ E-government in India: Modeling the Barriers to its Adoption and Diffusion” E-government: An International Journal, Vol. 5 No. 2, pp. 181-202

    • Khan, S. and Faisal, Mohd. Nishat. (2008) “Analytic Network process Model for Municipal Waste Disposal Options” Waste Management, Vol. 28, pp. 1500-1508.

    • Faisal, Mohd. Nishat and Khan, B. M. (2008) “Selecting an Advertising Agency: A Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach”, VISION: The Journal of Business Perspective, Vol. 12 No. 4, pp. 13-22.

    • Faisal, Mohd. Nishat., Banwet, D. K. and Shankar, R. (2008) “Virtual Integration and Information Risks: A Supply Chain Perspective”, IIMB Management Review, Vol. 20 No. 1, pp. 69-83.

    • Srivastava, A.K., Faisal, Mohd. Nishat. and Chikermane, M. (2008) “ Blue-Collar Workforce in Chemical Industry”, SCMS Journal of Indian Management, Vol. 5 No. 3, pp. 63-80

    • Chakravorty, A., Faisal, Mohd. Nishat. and Siva Kumar, S. N. A. (2008) “A conceptual Framework for analyzing the differences between exporters and non-exporters of engineering consultancy services in India” The Journal of Contemporary Management Research, Vol. 2 No. 2, pp. 1-12.

    • M. Salam, N.F. Bhuiyan, G.J Gouw, S.A. Raza, Design Effort Estimation at Pratt & Whitney Canada for the Compressor Aerodynamics Department, International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, vol. 3, iss. 4, pp. 284-293, 2008

    • S. A. Raza, A.Akgunduz, “An Airline Revenue Management Fare Pricing Game with Seat Allocation” International Journal of Revenue Management, vol. 2, pp. 42-62, 2008

    • S. A. Raza, A. Akgunduz, “A Comparative Study of Heuristic Algorithms on Economic Lot Scheduling Problem”, Computers and Industrial Engineering, vol. 55, pp. 94-109, 2008

    • Sharif, K.J. (2008): Impact of information and communication technologies on sales representative international and external relationships – A study of the UK pharmaceutical sector, Journal of Medical Marketing, Vol. 8, Issue 4, pp. 82-98

    • Do General Indexes Mask Sectoral Inefficiencies? A Multiple Variance-Ratio Assessment of Middle Eastern Financial Markets, with Jay Squali, International Managerial Finance, Vol. 4 No. 2, 2008

    • Multi-product strategies and relative preferences for quality, Hend GHAZZAI, Economics Bulletin, Vol.4 no. 34 pp. 1-10, (2008

    • Yoder, J., Hossain, I., Epplin, F., Doye, D., “Contract duration and the division of labor in agricultural land leases.” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 65, 3-4, pp. 714 - 733, 2008. Computation of the Stationary Equilibrium in a Heterogeneous Agent Economy”, Department of Economics, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, May 2008

    • “Exact Capacities and Star-Shaped Distorted Probabilities,’’ with Alain Chateauneuf (2008), in Mathematical Social Sciences, 56, pp. 185-194 Bayesian Analysis of the Ordered Probit Model with Endogenous Selection,” (2008), Journal of Econometrics, 143, 334-348 (with P.K. Trivedi)

    • “Demand for Cigarettes: A Mixed Binary-Ordered Probit Approach,” (2008), Accepted to the Applied Economics (with P. Kasteridis and S. Yen)

    • Hicham, B."Do General Indexes Mask Sectoral Inefficiencies? A Multiple Variance-Ratio Assessment of Middle Eastern Financial Markets (With Jay Squalli) International Managerial Finance", Vol. 4, No. 2, 2008, pp. 136-151

    • Aruna Dhade, Manish mittal Preferences, Satisfaction Level and Chances of Shifting: A Study of the customers of Public Sector and New Private Sector Banks. ICFAI Journal of Bank Management May 2008. Vol. VII No.2.

    • Aruna Dhade, Manish mittal Effectiveness of Merger and acquisition : a Study of ICICI Reverse Merger Global Management Review May 2008 Vol.IINo.3

    • Nganje, W., S. Kaitibie, C. Wachenheim, E. Acquah, J. Matson, and G. Johnson. Estimating Price Premiums for Breads Marketed as Low Carbohydrate Breads. 2008. Journal of Food Distribution Research 39, 2: 66-76.

    • Iiyama, M., P. Kariuki, P. Kristjanson, S. Kaitibie, and J. Maitima. 2008. Livelihood diversification strategies, incomes and soil management strategies: a case study from Kerio Valley, Kenya. Journal of International Development 20, 3:380-397.

    • Freeman, H.A., S. Kaitibie, S.Moyo, and B.D. Perry. 2008. Livestock, livelihoods and vulnerability in Lesotho, Malawi and Zambia: designing livestock interventions for emergency situations. International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) Research Report 8. ILRI: Nairobi, Kenya.

    • Kaitibie, S., A. Omore, K. Rich, B. Salasya, N. Hooten, D. Mwero and P. Kristjanson. 2008. Policy change in dairy marketing in Kenya: economic impact and pathways to influence from research. In: CGIAR Science Council. Impact Assessment of Policy-Oriented Research in the CGIAR: Evidence and Insights from Case Studies. A Study Commissioned by the Science Council Standing Panel on Impact Assessment. CGIAR Science Council Secretariat: Rome, Italy.

    • Kaitibie, S., A. Omore, K. Rich, B. Salasya, N. Hooten, D. Mwero and P. Kristjanson. 2008. Changing Dairy Marketing Policy in Kenya: The Impact of the Smallholder Dairy Project. Science Council Standing Panel on Impact Assessment Brief Number 28. CGIAR Science Council Secretariat: Rome, Italy.


    • Hindi, N., and Miller, D. 2007. “Assessment Practices in Accounting Departments of U.S. Colleges and Universities,” Studies in Business and Economics. (Volume 13, Number 1): 51-67. The Impact of Fairness on User’s Satisfaction with the IS Department” The Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal*, Vol. 10 (1), 2007, pp. 47-63. (co-authored with Kwun)

    • AL-khater, Khalid and J. Alattar, " An Empirical Investigation on the Users' Views on the Corporate Annual Reports in Qatar" , International Journal of Commerce and Management, USA, Vol. 17, No 4, 2007, pp. 312-325.

    • Hossain, M and Reaz, M., (2007), “The Determinants and Characteristics of Voluntary Disclosures by Indian Banking Companies”, The Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, Wily Interscience, Volume. 14, No.5, pp. 274-288. (ISSN 1535-3958).

    • Hossain, M and Taylor, J. P., (2007), “The Empirical Evidence of the Voluntary Information Disclosure in the Annual Reports of Banking Companies: the Case of Bangladesh” Journal of Corporate Ownership and Control, Ukraine, Volume 4, No.3, Spring, pp. 111-125. (ISSN 1727-9232).

    • Reaz, M. and Hossain, M., (2007), “Corporate Governance Practices around the World – A Discussion”, Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, USA, Volume, 11, No. 2, September, pp. (ISSN 1540-1200).

    • Hossain, M., (2007), "The Corporate Governance Reporting Exercise: the Portrait of a Developing Country", International Journal of Business Research, USA, Volume, VII , No.2 (ISSN 1555-1296).

    • Singh, H., Das, A., & Joseph, D. (2007). Country-level Determinants of e-Government Maturity. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 20, 632-648.

    • BELK R AND SOBH R. “Is sharing an alternative to private ownership?” International Review of Business Research Papers, 2007, Vol.3, p. 78-87.

    • Salih, Adel, & Jolo, Hend, (2007), "Factors influencing Voluntary and involuntary Labor turnover: Views of Managers in Qatari Industrial Sector", International Journal of Business and Public Administration (IJBPA), Volume 4, Number 1

    • Udayasankar, K. & Das, S. S. 2007. "Corporate Governance and Firm Performance: The effects of regulation and competitiveness”, Corporate Governance: An International Review, 15(2), 262-271.

    • Bruce A. Huhmann, and Najam U. Saqib (2007), “Effects of Changing Public Policies of Cultural Protectionism on Sources of Cultural Identity and Consumer Information,” Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 26(1), 75-88.

    • Faisal, Mohd. Nishat., Banwet, D. K. and Shankar, R. (2007) “Supply Chain Agility: Analysing the Enablers”, International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, Vol. 2 No. 1, pp. 76-91.

    • Faisal, Mohd. Nishat., Banwet, D. K. and Shankar, R. (2007) “Quantification of risk mitigation environment of supply chains using graph theory and matrix methods”, European Journal of Industrial Engineering, Vol. 1 No. 1, pp. 22-39.

    • Faisal, Mohd. Nishat., Banwet, D. K. and Shankar, R. (2007) “Supply Chain Risk Management in SMEs: Analysing the Barriers”, International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, Vol. 4 No. 5, pp. 588-607.

    • Faisal, Mohd. Nishat., Banwet, D. K. and Shankar, R. (2007) “An Approach to Measure Supply Chain Agility”, International Journal of Industrial & Systems Engineering, Vol. 2 No. 1, pp. 79-98.

    • Faisal, Mohd. Nishat. (2007) “An Empirical Study of Corporate Social Responsibility in Supply Chains”, Asia-Pacific Business Review, Vol. III No. 2, pp. 77-83.

    • Faisal, Mohd. Nishat. (2007) “Service Positioning Decisions: Understanding Strategy”, SCMS Journal of Indian Management, Vol. 4 No. 2, pp. 40-47.

    • Faisal, Mohd. Nishat. (2007) “Supply Chain Innovations: Creating Value for Sustained Competitive Advantage”, PCTE Journal of Business Management, Vol. 4 No. 1, pp. 61-66.

    • Faisal, Mohd. Nishat., Banwet, D. K. and Shankar, R. (2007) “An Analysis of the dynamics of Information Risk in Supply Chains of select SME Clusters”, VISION: The Journal of Business Perspective, Vol. 10 No. 4, pp. 49-61

    • S. A. Raza, U. M. Al-Turki, “A Comparative Study of Heuristic Algorithms to Solve Maintenance Scheduling Problem, Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, vol. 13, pp. 398-410, 2007

    • S. A. Raza, U.M. Al-Turki, and S. Z. Selim, “Early Tardy Minimization for Joint Scheduling of Jobs and Maintenance Operations on a Single Machine”, International Journal of Operations Research, Special issue on Scheduling in Manufacturing and Service Industries, vol. 4, pp. 32-41, 2007

    • Sharif, K. J., Kalafatis, S. P., and Samouel, P. (2007): The impact of length of a business relationship on the development of behavioral and cognitive aspects of trust, Journal of Industrial Marketing Management, Accepted for publication.

    • Belk, Russell W., Joon Yong Seo, and Eric P. H. Li (2007), “Dirty Little Secret: Home Chaos and Professional Organizers,” Consumption, Markets and Culture, 133-39.

    • Li, Eric P. H., Chester, K. M. To, Y. H. Wong,

    • R. S. Al-Khouri, and Moh’d M. Ajlouni. " Narrow Price Limit and Stock Price Volatility in Emerging Markets: Empirical Evidence from Amman Stock Exchange”, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics Issue 8, 2007. PP 163-180.

    • R. S. Al-Khouri. “Financial Sector Development and Sustainable Economic Growth in Regionally Co-integrated Emerging Markets”, Advances in Financial Economics, vol. 12, 2007. PP 345-360.

    • Khalid Shams A. Qader (2007)" Do Macro Fundamentals Explain Stock Market Returns Risks in Qatar?, Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences, United Arab Emirates University, UAE. Accepted paper. (In Arabic)

    • Lancsar, E., Hall, J., King, M., Kenny, P., Louviere, J. J., Fiebig, D., Hossain, I., Thien, F C K, Reddel, H K, Jenkins, C R, “Using discrete choice experiments to investigate subject preferences for preventive asthma medication.” Respirology, 12, 1, pp. 127 - 136, 2007.

    • King, M., Hall, J., Lancsar, E., Fiebig, D., Hossain, I., Louviere, J. J., Reddel, H, Jenkins, C, “Patient preferences for managing asthma: Results form a discrete choice experiment.” Health Economics, 16, 7, pp. 703 - 717, 2007.

    • Hall, J., Kenny, P., Hossain, I., “The provision of informal care in terminal illness: An analysis of carers’ needs using a discrete choice experiment.” CHERE Working Paper 2007/12, CHERE, Sydney, 2007.

    • Zeitun, R., and Tian, G. (2007), “Capital Structure, Corporate Performance: Evidence from Jordan”, Australasian Accounting Business and Finance journal (forthcoming).

    • Zeitun, R., Tian, G, and Keen, S. (2007), Default Probability for the Jordanian Companies: A Test of Cash Flow Theory, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics (IRJFE Journal), issue 8, Page 147 – 162.

    • Zeitun, R., Tian, G and Keen S. (2007), “Macroeconomic Determinants of corporate performance and failure: evidence from emerging market a case of Jordan” Corporate Ownership & Control, Volume 5, Issue 2.

    • Zeitun, R., and Tian, G. (2007), "Does ownership affect a firm's performance and default risk in Jordan?" Corporate Governance, International Journal of Corporate finance in Business Society, Volume 7, Issue 1, Page 66 – 82.

    • Saleh, A. S., and Zeitun, R. (2007), “Performance of Islamic Banks: The Case of Jordan”, Review of Islamic Economics (UK), Vol. 11, No.1. (by International Association for Islamic Economics, UK).

    • Manish Mittal, Aruna Dhade Gender difference in Investment risk Taking : An Empirical study ICFAI Journal of Behavioral Finance June 2007 Vol. VI. No. 2.

    • R. M Vyas ,Aruna Dhade An Impact of New Private Sector Banks on State Bank of India. ICFAI Journal of Bank Management August 2007 Vol.I. No. 3

    • Manish Mittal, Aruna Dhade Profitability and Productivity in Indian Banks: A Comparative Study AIMS International Journal of Management May 2007 Vol. I No. 2

    • Aruna Dhade, K. Risha Impact of foreign institutional Investors (FIIs)on Domestic Stock Market PARADIGM- Journal of IMT Ghaziabad an-June 2007 Vol. 11. No.1.

    • Iiyama, M., S. Kaitibie, P. Kariuki and Y. Morimoto. 2007. The status of crop-livestock systems and evolution toward integration. Annals of Arid Zone 46:301-323.

    • Nganje, W.E., S. Kaitibie, and A. Sorin. 2007. HACCP implementation and economic optimality in turkey processing. Agribusiness, An International Journal 23, 2:211-228.


    • Alshare, K., Kwun, O., and Grandon, E. “Determinants of Instructors’ Intentions to Teach Online Courses: A Cross-Cultural Perspective,” Journal of Computer Information Systems, Vol. XLVI (3), Spring 2006, 87-95.

    • Hicham, B."Direct Diversification with Small Portfolios (With Mazhar Siddiqi) Advances in Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management", Vol. 2, 2006, pp. 227-252

    • Alshare, K., Chowdhury, M., Sjamsuddin, A., and Williams, E. “An Expert System to Help End-Users Identifying Multivariate Statistical Methods,” International Journal of Business and Economics Perspectives*, Vol. 1 (1), Spring 2006, pp. 96-102.

    • “An Exploratory Analysis of Culture, Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Usefulness, and Internet Acceptance: The case of Jordan.” Journal of Internet Commerce, Vol. 5 (3), 2006, pp. 83-108, (Co-authored with I. Akour, D. Miller, and M. Dwairi).

    • Manochehri, Nick and J. I. Young, “The Impact of Student Learning Styles with Web-Based Learning (WBL) or Instructor-Based Learning (IBL) on Student Knowledge and Satisfaction”, The Quarterly Review of Distance Education, Vol. 7(3), 2006, pp. 313-316.

    • Manochehri, Nick-Naser, “The Influence of Learning Styles on Learners in E-Learning Environments: An Empirical Study", Computer in Higher Education Economics Review (CHEER), Vol. 18 (2), 2006, pp. 10-14.

    • “Determination of Optimal Safety Stock Policies”, With Matt Liberatore, Studies in Business & Economics, Vol. 12, No. 1, March 2006, pp. 25-34.

    • SOBH R AND PERRY C. “Research design and data analysis in realism research”, European Journal of Marketing, 2006, Vol. 40 (11/12), p. 1194-1209.

    • Salih, Adel, & Jolo, Hend, (2006), "Is Unlimited length of service among Top Managers a healthy phenomena”, World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, Vol 2, No 3, 2006,

    • Faisal, Mohd. Nishat., Banwet, D. K. and Shankar, R. (2006) “Mapping Supply Chains on Risk and Customer Sensitivity Dimensions”, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 106 No. 6, pp. 878-895.

    • Faisal, Mohd. Nishat., Banwet, D. K. and Shankar, R. (2006) “Supply Chain Risk Mitigation: Modeling the Enablers”, Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 12 No. 4, pp. 535-552

    • S. A. Raza, A. Akgunduz, and M.Y. Chen, “A Tabu Search Algorithm for Solving Economic Lot Scheduling Problem”, Journal of Heuristics, vol. 12, pp. 413-426, 2006

    • Li, Eric P. H., Chester, K. M. To, Y. H. Wong, and Jimmy, M. T. Chang (2006), “Managing Knowledge in Fashion Businesses: A Survey of Contemporary Tools for Coordination and Collaboration,” Research Journal of Textile and Apparel, 10 (2), 83-92.

    • Single Currency for GCC: Launching A New Culture. European Applied Business Research, Conference in Florence, Italy, 26-29 June 2006.

    • Effectiveness of Monetary and Fiscal Policies: The Case of Qatar. Co-authored. International Business and Economic Review, IBER, 2006.

    • R. S. Al-Khouri and AlQudah. “The Problems that Face Managers and Owners in the Qualifying Industrial Zones in Jordan, The Jordanian Journal ofBusiness Administration , Vol. 1, No. 2, 2006.

    • R. S. Al-Khouri, and M. Masoud. “The Effect of Timing of Financial Statements on Stock Prices and Trading Volume (An Empirical Study on Amman Stock Exchange)” The Jordanian Journal of Business Administration. Vol.2, No. 2, 2006.

    • R. S. Al-Khouri, G. Bajleda and S. Al Shorman. “Investors Reaction to Managerial Discretion over Accruals: The case of Jordanian Firms", The Jordanian Journal of Business Administration. Vol. 2, No. 3. 2006.

    • Khalid Shams A. Qader & Manhal Shotar (2006) “Economic Policies and the Possibilities of Unified GCC Currency”, Studies in Business and Economics, Vol. 12, No.2, Doha, Qatar. (In English)

    • Direct Diversification with Small Portfolios, with Mazhar Siddiqi, Advances in Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, pp227-252, Volume 2, 2006

    • Naser,K.; Al-Hussaini, A, Al-Kwauwari, D. and Nuseibeh, R.(2006), Determinants Of Corporate Social Disclosure In Developing Countries: The Case Of Qatar, Advances in International Accounting, pp1-23

    • Hall, J., Fiebig, D., King, M., Hossain, I., Louviere, J. J., “What influences participation in genetic carrier testing? Results from a discrete choice experiment.” Journal of Health Economics, 25, 3, pp. 520 - 537, 2006.

    • King, M., Viney, R., Hossain, I., Smith, D, Fowler, S., Savage, E., Armstrong, B, “Men’s preferences for treatment of early stage prostate cancer: Results from a discrete choice experiment.” CHERE Working Paper 2006/14, CHERE, Sydney, 2006. Private Insurance, Selection, and the Health Care Use: A Bayesian Analysis of a Roy-type Model,” (2006), Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 24, 403-415 (with P. Deb and P.K. Trivedi)

    • “Bayesian Analysis of the Two-Part Model with Endogeneity: Application to Health Care Expenditure,” (2006), Journal of Applied Econometrics, 21, 1081-1099 (with P. Deb and P.K. Trivedi)