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    Distinguished Graduate Students

    The Graduate students with outstanding academic achievements will be recognized by Qatar University President as distinguished students in different disciplines of study. The recognition aims to spread the culture of creativity and excellence and urge students towards achieveing more acquisition of knowledge. In order to be on the distignuished list of Qatar University President, you need to meet the following criteria:

    1. At graduation, the student shall not have had any academic probation or misconduct on the student record.
    2. The PhD student must meet the graduation requirements of Article 16 of the Graduate Studies Policy, and the Master's student must meet the graduation requirements of Article 14 and 15 of the Graduate Studies Policy. Click here to know more about the Article requirements
    3. The student shall have a distinguished scientific publication according to the evaluation forms announced by the Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies.
    4. The student shall not receive a grade of less than (B) in any course on the record and not have repeated any course excluding the thesis one.

    Evaluation Form for Ph.D. and MA students - Science, Engineering and Health cluster

    1. To obtain seventy points to join the list of honored doctoral students
    2. To get eighty points to join the list of honored doctoral students (research doctorate)
    3. To obtain fifty points to join the list of honored master students
    SequenceAcademic and Research OutputsNo.Points

    GPA 4= 20

    GPA 3.5 = 10


    *Publications in the journal Nature or Science

    *Publications in the top 10% of journals in the same research field

    *Q1 publications in journals

    *Q2 publications in journals

    Published Books

    *Publications of the category (Q3) or (Q4) in journals or a chapter of an arbitrated book and approved by the College

    One Paper=100

    One Paper=60

    One Paper=40

    One Paper=20


    One Paper=10



    One international award= 40

    One national award= 30

    One QU award= 15


    Patents granted

    Universal patent= 30

    Local patent= 20

    *According to ISI web of sciences. 

    Evaluation Form for Ph.D. and MA students - Humanities

    1. To obtain sixty points to join the list of honored doctoral students
    2. To get forty points to join the list of honored master students
    SequenceAcademic and Research OutputsNo.Points

    GPA 4= 20

    GPA 3.5 = 10


    Publications in the top 10% of journals in the same research field

    *Q1 publications in journals

    *Q2 publications in journals

    Published Books

    Publication of the category(Q3)or(Q4)in journals or a chapter of arbitrated book and approved by the College

    Journal approved by the committee of Academic Promotions

    One Paper=100

    One Paper=80

    One Paper=40


    One Paper=30

    One Paper=30



    One international award= 40

    One national award= 30

    One QU award= 15


    Patents granted

    Universal patent= 30

    Local patent= 20