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    CIMA Accreditation

    The Department of Accounting and Information Systems at the College of Business and Economics received accreditation by the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) in UK.

    CIMA Accreditation | Qatar University - Image1

    The BBA Accounting degree courses have just been awarded with an additional seal of quality by gaining an accreditation from the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA). This accreditation means that students majoring or minoring in accounting at College of Business & Economics, Qatar University will have the opportunity to apply for exemptions from the Certificate level CIMA qualification courses and some of Operational and Management levels of CIMA qualification courses (see below). The BBA Accounting is also accredited by ACCA (ACCA website) and CPA Australia (CPA Website) . These accreditations mean that our students can purse their careers with confidence and able have the choice of professional body the meets their future career as well as the chance to bypass certain papers. Having these accreditation means our graduates can achieve professional chartered accountant status faster and also recognizes the rigorous of the BBA accounting program courses’ contents. It also reflects the department commitments to diversity and engagement with different international professional bodies and symbolizes the quality of the BBA Accounting curriculum, faculty, assessment and methods of delivery.  

    Students completing BBA Accounting as a major or minor :

    CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting

    BA1 Fundamentals of Business Economics

    BA2 Fundamentals of Management Accounting

    BA3 Fundamentals of Financial Accounting

    BA4 Fundamentals of Ethics, Corporate Governance and Business Law

    CIMA Operational level

    E1 Organisational Management

    P1 Management Accounting  

    Students completing BBA Accounting and minor in Finance will be eligible for an additional exemption from:

    CIMA Management level

     F2 Advanced Financial Reporting