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    Course Description

    Major Requirements package

    MIST 612 Research Methods in Business Analytics

    This course will provide students with an overview of relevant business management, research methods, statistical concepts, and basic concepts of business analytics. The course will cover variety of topics including management functions, decisions making and problem solving processes, research methods, probability analysis, inferential statistics, and hypotheses testing. Students will be introduced to the main frameworks of data analytics procedure such as CRISP and SEMMA. Hands-on experience with a variety of user-friendly data analytics software will dominant the students’ activities.

    MIST 615 Data Visualization and Communication

    In this course, students will learn methods for exploring, describing, and effectively communicating the outcomes of the business analytics process. Students will learn the concepts of data extraction, data visualization and storytelling, and the development of charts, graphs, analytics and dashboards using main specialized software in visualization such as Tableau and Power BI. Students through experiential learning project will be able to develop a compelling story based on real data.

    MIST 625 Database Design and Development

    This course covers concepts and methods necessary to model and create well-designed database free of anomalies that enables a delivery of accurate business data and information to enhance decision-making process. This course offers an understanding of business analytics by highlighting techniques to analyze different sources of business data such as the relational database and data warehouse that optimized for data analysis and query processing.

    MIST 635 Optimization Methods and Decision Analysis

    This course focuses on the use of optimization methodologies and models to analyse data and find optimal solutions. The course will cover the theory, algorithms, and applications of optimization to different organizational problems.

    MIST 655 Applications in Business and Data Analytics  

    This course focuses on the application of the business analytics skills of preparing, organizing, and transforming data; constructing analytical model; and evaluating results in multiple sectors using the business case method and industry sponsored mini-projects. The course employs different software packages to identify problems, devise and implement solutions, and evaluate results. 

    MIST 685 Business Analytics Consulting

    In this course, students will apply and incorporate their knowledge of business analytics learned during the MSBA program with the acquired skills of problem solving, critical thinking, and community engagement. Students are required to involve with a local company in tasks related to the business analytics field. The students are required to complete a semester-long project according to the best-practiced standards in the business analytics field. 


    Thesis Track Requirements Package

    MIST 690Thesis

    The aim of the thesis in the M.Sc. in Business Analytics program is to provide students with the necessary ‎skills to carry out research. Students are expected to submit a research document tackling a well-defined research question related to the field of Finance. The main objectives of the research thesis are to develop skills in writing research document; identifying and using scientific research tools to solve financial problems. Ultimately, students will gain a deep knowledge and understanding, and developed capabilities in conducting scientific research in the finance discipline.

    Elective Courses

    MIST 652 Text Mining and Social Media Analytics 

    This course provides students with methods to explore and analyze the content of business websites and social media networks. Students will use variety of tools such R, Python to analyze such data and provide relevant information to improve organizations performance and achieve its objectives.

    MIST 662 Marketing Analytics

    This course will provide students with an introductory level to marketing analytics. Students will be introduced to different tools such as  conjoint analysis, and text analysis and search analytics which will help them in conducting marketing insights using data in different marketing areas such as segmentation, targeting and positioning, satisfaction, customer lifetime analysis, customer choice, product and price decisions.

    MIST 675 Special Topics in Business Analytics

    This course will cover a variety and contemporary topics in the field of business analytics. The main objective of this course is to provide students with exposure to most recent development in the business analytics methods and tools. Hands-on applications on the selected topics will dominant students activities.

    MIST 645 Human Capital Analytics

    The course will utilize data analytics tools and methods to manage human resources and identify, acquire, retain and support talented employees within their organizations. Data analytics methods will be implemented towards improving the previously mentioned HR functions in addition to functions like leadership, employees’ life cycle, benefits, compensation, and managing talented workforce for better organizational performance.

    MIST 622 Finance Analytics

    The advancement in IT lead to the emergence of Fintech and big data analytics and they have changed how financial information is disseminated, processed and analyzed. This course covers business analytics methods and their applications in risk modeling and financial risk manager. Additionally the course will provide a framework for a modern approach to fundamental analytics of securities and other data-driven approaches to portfolio construction.

    MIST 632 Sports Analytics

    This course will cover the core analytical skills and concepts for the applications of data analytics in sports. In particular, this course builds on the foundations of the Business Analytics core course and is designed to help students develop and apply analytical skills useful in business, using sports as the application area. These skills include critical thinking, mathematical modelling, statistical analysis, predictive analytics, game theory, optimization and simulation. These skills will be applied to sports in this course but are equally valuable for many business areas.

    MIST 623 Energy Analytics

    Course Description      This course aims to provide energy analysts, energy market participants, operators and planners with the necessary knowledge and business analytics tools to solve energy related problems and make the appropriate decisions. The course introduces various business analytics tools that will equips students with different quantitative knowledge that are necessary to analyse the energy data. In this course, different forms of quantitative data in energy markets, energy production, demand, and supply will be collected, analysed, modelled and forecasted. Through the case studies, the course will use the basic financial tools (such as cash flow analysis) to analyse the viability of energy projects.

    EMHA 692 AI Applications in Healthcare

    This course provides an understanding to use and integrate tools of artificial intelligence (AI) and analytics in health care decision-making to improve health services performance and outcomes. In this course, students will gain an overall understanding of the major principles of AI and analytics and their importance in providing effective healthcare. The course would provide an introduction to analytical techniques for making business decisions with emphasis on health care; using latest software packages in practical problem solving. In addition, students are expected to learn about processes and issues related to management of information and information technologies in the healthcare settings