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Registration Services

Waiting Lists

This refers to the lists of students who desire to register a closed course. A student may add himself/herself on the waiting list if the number of the registered students in the course has reached the maximum limit provided that this course is allowable in the waiting list.

  • A student is not allowed to place himself /herself in two different sections for the same course.
  • In case a student does not fulfill the pre-requisite course or there is a “hold” on the course, s/he will not be able to register the course.
  • If a student drops a course which has a waiting list, s/he cannot re-register it unless s/he is placed on the waiting list.
  • Being placed on the waiting list of a course does not necessarily mean that the course is registered, but a student has to register after receiving a notification that there is an available seat.
  • Waiting list Courses have to be announced along with the time of service activation; the announcement has to be sent by the Registration Department to all University students.
  • Dates (deadlines) specified by the Registration Department must be observed.
  • Earned hours of a course registered on the waiting list shall not be included in registered hours of the semester unless the status of the said course has been changed into an “actual registered course”.
  • If a student logs out of a course waiting list, s/he will not be able to return to the same place, and s/he has to add himself/herself again in the waiting list.
  • If a student fails to register after 12 hours of receiving a notification of seat availability in the course, the system will automatically delete him/her. Then, a notification will be sent to the next student on the list.
  • Academic Departments and Student Advising Offices are not allowed to offer a course capacity override to a certain student if that course is placed on the waiting list.  Doing as such will deprive another student included in the waiting list from registering the said course.

Add / Drop courses and registration Prevention (Registration Hold) include the following points

A student may Drop one or many courses online though the myBanner Self-Service System during the specific period of Drop which starts at the time of course registration according to the specified duration and until end of the Drop/Add period.  There is no financial penalty on course Drop and it will not appear in the academic transcript of the student. After the Add/Drop period at the beginning of each semester, a student may withdraw from a course starting from the second week until the eighth week of Fall & Spring semesters. A student can also withdraw from a course or more until the second week of Summer1 & 3, and until the third week of the beginning of study for Summer 2 (6 weeks).

If the student wants to drop a course and the academic load will be less than the minimum because the student is expected to graduate or it’s an additional course on the study plan and does not affect the student’s graduation, or that the student has not completed 24 registered hours, or that the student has Academic Probation, then the student can submit a request to the Student Affairs Committee via email

A student may Add one or many courses online through the myBanner Self-Service System at the Add specified period which starts from the early registration period for the enrolled and active students; and it starts from the Orientation Meeting of the new students and ends at the last day of the Add/Drop period. 

Add of a Closed Course (required to obtain Dept. & College’s approval)

A student who desires to register a closed course (for a particular college, Major, group of students, a course that has a pre-requisite course, a course for a certain program or a course for a certain degree) can apply for (override restriction service) through self-service banner according to the specific times of this service which is announced by the registration section every semester. 

The following table explains the errors shown to students by the self-service banner during the registration process which requires the application for (override restriction service).

Errors shown to Students


Required Approvals

Closed Section

A student is allowed to register in a closed course.

Approval of the Course Instructor and Head of Dept.

Class Restriction

A student is allowed to register a course specified for students who have completed  a particular number of credit hours.

Approval of Head of Dept. 

Major Restriction

A student is allowed to register a course specified for a particular Major.

Approval of Head of Dept., Associate Dean of the college which offers the course

College Restriction

A student is allowed to register a course specified for a particular college.

Approval of the Associate Dean for Student Affairs in the college

Field of study Restriction

A student is allowed to register a course specified for students of a particular program.

Approval of the Program Director

Special Approval

A student is allowed to register a course which requires the approval of the Head of Dept. which offers the course.

Approval of Head of Dept. which offers the course.

Once the college approved the student’s application through “myBanner Self-Service System”, the college will validate the student’s registration in this course; the student will receive a notification of approval to his/her email and then s/he is required to register the course.

The Registration System applied at Qatar University allows the use of registration holds, based on justifiable reasons, to prevent a student from registration, for example in the case of non- payment of tuition fees, not returning library’s books or not contacting the academic advisor if s/he is advised to. Various stakeholders are permitted to make use of a “Hold” process to prevent students from registering if this action is justified. When a stakeholder uses this “Hold” process, a student will not be allowed to register courses unless s/he is relieved from “hold” by the respective stakeholder who/which blocked the registration. In this case, a student must refer to the concerned stakeholder to solve the issue and then “Hold” status is removed.

  • Registration: The process of enrolling in classes at QU.
  • Early Registration: The period of registering courses by the enrolled students. It usually begins in the middle of the semester. Students register for the coming semester and they can also register for both Summer & Fall as well as Winter & Spring semesters in the same period every year. 
  • Drop: The process of dropping a course in a certain semester within the specified period according to the academic calendar
  •  Add: The process of Adding a course in a certain semester within the specified period according to the academic calendar
  •  Academic Load: The total credit hours for the courses that students can register in a certain semester within the minimum and maximum limit allowed by the rules and regulations of the University.
  • Academic Load:  Total credits for which a student is registered in a given semester or term.
  •  Pre-requisite Course: A course that a student must study and pass before being able to register for a particular course
  •  Co-requisite: A course required to be taken concurrently with another course in the same semester. 
  • Academic Standing: Determined by academic regulations governing good standing, probation and dismissal.
  • Good Standing:The academic standing of an undergraduate student who earned less than 25 GPA hours or achieved a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 if s/he completed 25 GPA hours or more.
  • Academic Probation:  The academic standing of an undergraduate student who earned 25 GPA hours or more and has a cumulative GPA below 2.0.
  • Add and Drop: A period of time at the beginning of each semester/term when students can adjust schedules by dropping or adding courses or changing sections of a course.
  • GPA: Grade point average of the grades of QU courses within a specific level of study.
  • Honors Course: Honors section of core curriculum course or courses that are used to meet elective requirements. Only honor students may enroll in an honors course.
  • Undergraduate Student: A student who is working toward completion of a bachelor’s degree.