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    Incomplete Grade

    A student may receive an Incomplete grade (I) in a course if he/she attends but fails to complete all the course requirements. The Incomplete grade is not an alternative for an (F) due to poor performance. The student, who was unable to provide the course instructor with a justification during the exam and thus failed to receive an Incomplete grade, can apply for an appeal within ten days after the final grade announcement by submitting an online Incomplete Grade Application through the myBanner page. In order to receive an Incomplete grade, the student must provide an acceptable justification for failing to complete the required work. A student who failed due to exceeding the 25% permitted absence rate (FB) is not eligible to apply for an Incomplete grade, even if his/her academic performance is outstanding.

    After completing the required work, the course instructor changes the Incomplete grade (I) to the grade that the student earns (from A to F) and submits it to the Registration Support Section. The deadline for taking the exams for an incomplete grade (I) is the third day of the first week of the following semester. If the Incomplete grade has not been changed by the end of the specified deadline, the grade will change automatically to Fail (F) as per University policy.

    For more details, you can check How to Submit an Incomplete Grade Application. For further inquiries, please contact us at the email.

    Incomplete Grade Timeline

    Incomplete Grade Application DeadlinesFromTo
    Incomplete Grade Application (Spring 2024)2 June 202413 June 2024
    Last date for students to take the Incomplete grade exams (Summer 1 and Summer 2 2024)18 August 202420 August 2024
    Last date for students to take the Incomplete grade exams (spring 2024, Summer 1 and Summer 2)27 August 2024-