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Sponsorship Programs

Talent Sponsorship Program

Talent Sponsorship Program is designed to attract and sponsor talented Qatari applicants in the fields of scientific research, technology and innovation, literature and art, acting for male, media, and athleticism.

talent Sponsorship Program

Recruiting talented Qatari students in the fields of scientific research, technology and innovation, literature, acting for male, media, and athleticism.

Details of the sponsorship program

Sponsorship ProgramTargeted CategoryBenefits

Talent Sponsorship Program

Talented Qatari, Qatari husband, children of Qatari, and holders of Qatari Travel Document for Bachelor degree.

  • Monthly salary of 3,000 QR
  • Exemption from textbook fees
  • A laptop
  • Guaranteed admission to the desired academic program of study upon meeting its minimum admissions requirements (except Medicine and Dental Medicine)
  1. Applicant must be a Qatari or Qatari husband or child of Qatari or holder of Qatari Travel Document.
  2. A minimum high school percentage of 75%.
  3. Applicant must meet the admission requirements of the academic program that he/she wishes to join.
  4. Applicant must submit the final transcript of the 11th  grade with a minimum average of 75%.
  5. Applicant must submit the final transcript of the first semester of the 12th grade with a minimum average of 75%.
  6. Applicant must provide a minimum of two letters of recommendation to support the application from prestigious entities relevant to the area of talent.
  7. Applicant must submit a portfolio presenting his/her talent and proving the recent achievements in the field of talent, specifically in one of the following fields: scientific research (includes all art and scientific fields), technology and innovation, literature, acting for male, media, and athleticism.
  8. Applicant must pass the personal interview.
  9. Applicant cannot benefit from this sponsorship and another sponsorship/scholarship simultaneously.
  10. Applicants who have previously enjoyed the full benefit of this sponsorship are not eligible to benefit from it again for the purpose of acquiring a new academic degree.
  11. The sponsorship should be utilized starting from the academic semester of the year in which the sponsorship was awarded. If the student does not pass his/her first semester, the sponsorship will be canceled and the student will be informed through QU email.

Sport talent

Racket sports-
Water Polo-

  1. The student must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.3.
  2. The student must successfully complete a minimum of 12 hours per semester. (In exceptional cases only, the student may be excluded from the credit hour condition. For example; registration restriction, represent the university in an event or mission, expected to graduate, medical reason, etc. After receiving the recommendation of the academic advisor, a decision will be made and the student will be informed).
  3. The student should not exceed the period for graduation according to his/her academic program.
  4. The student must register continuously (Fall and Spring) until graduation.
  5.  The student must regularly represent the university in his/her area of talent locally and internationally.
  6. The student must commit to the continuous practice and development of the talent.
  7. Recipients of sponsorship are expected to adhere to all academic regulations, policies, and procedures of Qatar University.
  8. If the student GPA or the earned credit hours decreased below the minimum at the end of any academic semester, or the student does not represent the university in his/her field of talent or does not commit to the continuous practice and development of the talent as explained above in points (1, 2, 5, 6), the student will receive first Sponsorship Warning.
  9. If a student receives two Sponsorship Warnings (from the same type) related to the GPA or earned credit hours or representing the university or practicing and developing the talent or exceeding the maximum period of the academic program, the sponsorship will be stopped, and the student can continue studying at Qatar University without the benefits of the Sponsorship Program.

The student is responsible to pay any penalty or fine results from dropping any courses(s) or semester(s). In case of a conflict, priority is given to fulfilling obligations towards Qatar University in the field of talent over any other club or entity.

Foundation Period

  1. GPA and the number of registered credit hours during the Foundation Program are not counted.
  2. Completion of the Foundation Program must be in a maximum of two semesters (Only one year).
  3. If the student does not pass the Foundation Program in two semesters, the sponsorship will be suspended; the student can continue studying at Qatar University but without the benefits of the Sponsorship Program.
  1. Applicant must provide a minimum of two letters of recommendation through the online admission application to support the application from prestigious entities relevant to the area of talent.
  2. Applicant must submit a letter summarizing his/her talent, achievements, and awards received with a link to a video of large-size file or any supporting files (e.g. on Dropbox or OneDrive) presenting his/her talent and proving the recent achievements in the field of talent; specifically in one of the following areas: scientific research (includes all art and scientific fields), technology and innovation, literature, acting for male, media, and athleticism.For athletic talent, the video must show the applicant playing within a team during a match.
  3. After passing the personal interview successfully, Applicants for the field of sport talent are required to submit signed history and medical information form along with the physical examination form filled by a health care provider (family doctor or general practitioner) and to pass a physical fitness examination at Qatar University.

Application for the talent scholarship is through the online admission application on “Scholarship Application” page during theannounced application period. The applicant must upload all documents that prove the achievements and demonstrate his/her talent.

  1. Students apply for admission and sponsorship online using the online admission application during the announced application period.
  2. Students enrolled in private schools (non-governmental Qatari school system) must upload the first semester certificate of grade twelve and the final certificate of the grade eleven. If the student completed grade twelve, he/she must submit only the final certificate of grade twelve.
  3. Applicant must upload a minimum of two recommendation letters through the online admission application from recognized entities relevant to the area of talent to support the application.
  4. Applicant must submit a letter summarizing his/her talent, achievements, and awards received with a link to large-size files including videos and any other supporting documents (e.g. on Dropbox or OneDrive) to highlight his/her talent and showing the recent achievements in one field of the following talents: scientific research (includes all art and scientific fields), technology, innovation, literature, acting for male, media, and sports.
  5. The applicants' files will be evaluated and interviews will be conducted to assess the eligibility and qualifications of the applicants. The best applicants for each talent field will be short listed.
  6. An initial conditional acceptance letter will be sent to the nominated students, within six weeks after the deadline of the online sponsorship application, stating the conditions that must be met and the documents required to receive the final acceptance.
  7. The final admission and sponsorship decisions will be sent to students by email according to the announced timeline.


STEM Sponsorship Program

STEM Sponsorship Program is designed to attract and sponsor Qatari applicants to enroll in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics majors.


29 Septmeber 2024

Start of sponsorship application for STEM Sponsorship Program

10 October 2024

End of sponsorship application for STEM Sponsorship Program

14 November 2024

Announce final decisions

(STEM) Sponsorship Program

To recruit and sponsor Qatari students:  directing students toward scientific fields in line with 2030 Vision and the strategic directions of the University. The fields included in the sponsorship program and the number of seats allocated for each field every academic year will be taking into consideration the number of university graduates from these majors as well as the number of current students in these majors and the need of the job market. The specific majors included in the STEM sponsorship program will be announced every year prior to the major declaration period. Students may apply for the STEM sponsorship program once they declare their major.

Details of the sponsorship program:

Sponsorship Program Targeted Category Benefits

STEM Sponsorship

Qatari, Qatari husband, children of Qatari, and holders of Qatari Travel Document for Bachelor degree in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)

  • Monthly salary of 3,000 QR
  • Exemption from textbook fees
  • A laptop
  1. Applicant must be a Qatari or Qatari husband or child of Qatari or holder of Qatari Travel Document.
  2. A minimum high school percentage of 75%.
  3. Applicant must be accepted in one of the majors covered by the STEM sponsorship program.
  4. Applicant cannot benefit from this sponsorship and another sponsorship/scholarship simultaneously.
  5. This program is limited to undergraduate degree in the STEM majors (except Medicine and Dental Medicine). The fields of sponsorship will be announced before the major declaration period.
  6. Applicants who have previously enjoyed the full benefit of this program are not eligible to benefit from it again for the purpose of acquiring a new academic degree.
  7. The sponsorship should be utilized starting from the academic semester of the year in which the sponsorship was awarded. If the student does not pass his/her first semester, the sponsorship will be canceled and the student will be informed through QU email.
  8. Students may apply to the program during the academic year in which they obtained admission to the academic major.

Majors covered by the STEM sponsorship program

Civil EngineeringPhysics
Computer ScienceComputer Science
Environmental SciencesPhysical Therapy
Biomedical SciencesBiomedical Sciences
  1. The student must remain enrolled in the sponsored major and does not change his/her major without obtaining an approval from the sponsorship committee.
  2. The student must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.
  3. The student should not exceed the period for graduation according to his/her academic program.
  4. The student must successfully complete a minimum of 12 hours per semester.
  5. The student must register continuously (Fall and Spring) until graduation.
  6. Recipients of sponsorship are expected to adhere to all academic regulations, policies, and procedures of Qatar University.
  7. If the student GPA or the earned credit hours decrease below the minimum at the end of any academic semester as explained above in points (2 &4), the student will receive a Sponsorship Warning.
  8. If a student receives two Sponsorship Warnings (from the same type) related to the GPA or earned credit hours or exceeding the maximum period of the academic program, the sponsorship will be stopped, and the student can continue studying at Qatar University without the benefits of the Sponsorship Program.

The student is responsible to pay any penalty or fine results from dropping any courses(s) or semester(s).

Applicants for this program must finish their major declaration. They are not required to submit any documents.

Please visit the sponsorship application system and then follow the instruction in this user guide

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