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    Summer Research Internship

    For more information about this training, please visit the Internship site here.

    Inservice teacher training

    Qatar's youth for success in global arenas. By facilitating their participation in prestigious international competitions like the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) held in the USA, QUYSC has not only provided invaluable learning experiences but also garnered recognition for Qatar on the international stage. In 2019, Qatar celebrated its first achievement in a category at ISEF, a testament to the program's effectiveness in fostering research excellence. Moreover, the program has sparked a surge in student engagement, leading to increased participation in various research competitions at both national and international levels in recent years. This demonstrates QUYSC's commitment to empowering Qatar's youth with the skills and opportunities needed to excel in the global scientific community. To extend the achievements of the "I am a Researcher" model implemented by QUYSC across Qatar, the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MOEHE) has requested QUYSC to provide research methodology training courses for science teachers in all public schools. In response to this initiative, QUYSC has initiated a qualitative study to identify the essential criteria for developing the research methodology course tailored for school teachers.​