Youth are the pillar of society as they are the ones to bear the burden of
future generations’ sustainability. Soon enough, they are the ones to be
positioned to have a tremendous capacity to give back to the community and
to society in general, and to be the ones with most potential to be
dynamic physically, mentally and creatively. In this way, young people are
the most important resource that all social institutions (government,
private and NGOs) must invest in, in order to achieve integrated and
sustainable development. These institutions should also study how young
people transform their energies and creativity into positive productive
elements that serve and develop society politically, culturally, socially
and economically. This forum seeks to develop in young people the culture
of scientific research and to confirm their role in leading change and
creating opportunities for development and progress through scientific
research and innovation. This will be achieved through tying research to
the needs of society, and emphasizing the synergy of science and the
integration of human knowledge and the importance of understanding the
relationship between natural and technical sciences, humanities, social
and cultural heritage, in order to increase the ability of societies to
develop resources and sustain development opportunities.