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    Qatar Transportation and Traffic Safety Center provides opportunities for professional training in the areas or tracks listed below. The training courses are delivered by highly experienced local and international specialists.

    • Road Safety Engineering: This track contains several courses tailored to highway and traffic engineers (in governmental and private sectors), planners, design consultants, and road contractors.
    • Road Safety Audits: This track is tailored to those dealing with the development and evaluation of Road Safety Audits (in governmental and private sectors). The main objective of this track is to provide delegates with the needed knowledge and skills of conducting and evaluating road safety audits.
    • Road Safety Management: This track is mainly designed for those responsible of developing road safety programmers and/or evaluating their effectiveness, as well as those involved in designing awareness campaigns and evaluating them (in governmental and private sectors). This training course aims to provide delegates with the knowledge of monitoring and evaluation of safety programs, the ability to plan and develop research designs that enable a robust quantification of the impact the road safety interventions, and the ability to identify, justify, develop, pilot and evaluate a road user safety campaign

    A sample of the previously conducted training courses at the center:

    • Road Safety Audits
    • Roadside and Median Safety
    • Work Zone Safety
    • Safety of Vulnerable Road Users
    • Speed Enforcement and Automated Enforcement Technologies
    • Road Safety Management
    • Professional Training Workshop: Applied Crash Investigation

      Date: 3-5 March 2024

      Location: QATAR UNIVERSITY

      Overview: The Qatar Transportation and Traffic Safety Center (QTTSC) at Qatar University College of Engineering (QU-CENG) recently hosted a professional training workshop on “Introduction to Crash Investigation” organized in collaboration with the International Road Federation (IRF) and the World Conference on Transportation Research Society (WCTR), and partially sponsored by Traffic Tech Company. The workshop is conducted over three days from 3rd to 5th of March 2024. The event aimed to introduce various aspects required for road crash investigation such as scene sketching theory and practice and the use of various formulas to establish the cause of a crash, minimum speed, etc.

      It brought together experts from QTTSC, Qatar Ministry of Interior (General Directorate of Traffic), Public Works Authority (Ashghal), Engineering Consultation firm, the National Road Safety Committee of Morocco, the Insurance sector in the Republic of India and Nepal, as well as graduate students from Qatar University. They exchanged policies, strategies and technologies to improve traffic safety conditions and to overcome road safety challenges in Qatar.

      The workshop was delivered by Dr. Wael Alhajyaseen and Mr. Benjamin Van Rooyen from South Africa, Lyceum College Senior Lecturer. Discussions focused on the classification, terminology, factors and phases of traffic crashes. Furthermore, basic aspects of scene photography was also introduced. 

      Professional Training Workshop Applied Crash Investigation 

    • Training on Corporate Greenhouse Gas Emission Accounting, Reporting & Management

      Date: 21-22 February 2024

      Location: InterContinental Doha

      Overview: Dr. Nuri Onat from Qatar Transportation and Traffic Safety Center (QTTSC) delivered a two day training on Corporate Greenhouse Gas Emission Accounting, Reporting & Management, designed for Mowasalat Qatar. The training marked a significant step towards building crucial skills in emissions accounting and reporting, aligning with Qatar’s "3rd National Development Strategy" and the "Qatar National Climate Action Plan 2030.

      Training on Corporate Greenhouse Gas Emission 

      Training on Corporate Greenhouse Gas Emission 

      Training on Corporate Greenhouse Gas Emission