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    Our Team

    Affiliate of the Centre for Law and Development

    An ‘Affiliate’ of the Centre for Law and development is an appointed academic or active researcher who contributes to the scholarly or professional output of the Centre. Centre Affiliates  regularly write, research and publish in areas and upon issues that are of direct relevance to Qatar in the context of Law and Development. Affiliate members contribute to the academic life and activities of the Centre through the organization and/or leadership of seminars, workshops, conferences and other outreach and engagement initiatives.

    Associates of the Centre for Law and Development

    An ‘Associate’ of the Centre for Law and Development is an invited professional actively engaged in work and initiatives related to law and/or the economic development of Qatar. The Centre for Law and Development encouragers and supports the activities of its Associates by providing a platform and forum for the discussion, debate and dissemination of their ideas. Associate members of the Centre of Law and Development represent the long term commitment of the Centre to engage with industry and government and​ promote dialogue and innovative ideas.