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    ELT Courses

    Executive Legal Training

    2021 COURSES

    The Private-Public Partnerships: An Analysis of the Qatari Law No 12 of 2020  (Arabic)

    Dr. Mohamed Mattar and Dr. Abdullah Abdullah

    Date Offered: 22 March, 2021 – 4 April, 2021

    Schedule: Sunday – Wednesday, 5 pm- 8 pm

    Location: Online

    4 sessions of 3 hour duration (12 hours total)

    REGISTER: Send email to 


    Intellectual Property Law (Arabic)

    Prof. Salah Zaineddin

    Date Offered: 22 March, 2021 – 4 April, 2021

    Schedule: (Monday, Wednesday) 5pm-8pm

    Location: Online

    4 sessions of 3 hour duration (12 hours total)

    REGISTER HERE: Send email to 


    Future Planned Courses

    We plan to offer the following courses in the future, subject to university approval and sufficient enrollment. If you are interested in one of these future courses, please send an email of interest to  

    Doing Business in Qatar Series: Employment Contracts

    Doing Business in Qatar Series: New Investment Law

    Doing Business in Qatar Series: HR Law

    Doing Business in Qatar Series: Customs Law

    Anti-Money Laundering

    Professionalism Skills

    Legal Awareness

    Legislative Drafting

    Legal Writing  (Arabic)

    International Investment Law (Investor-State Arbitration)

    ​Doing Business in Qatar Series: Corporate Governance
