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    The Centre for Law & Development is the gateway to the achievement of law-related objectives of the Qatar National Vision. The Centre conducts legal research and capacity building activities for the identified national development needs of Qatar. It is an interdisciplinary law and policy research centre covering fields essential to achieving Qatar’s sustainable model for economic and environmental progress as well as human development. It is the connection between academia, government and the private sector for law and policy in Qatar.


    The Centre offers Executive Legal Training for professionals and students in Qatar, to build local capacity and expertise needed for industry.  Such training includes specialized training programs designed according to the needs of stakeholders.  The Centre also offers clinical legal education for students in Qatar on selected legal cases that have a measurable impact upon Qatar’s development. Training helps develop human skills for the needs of Qatar, while benefiting all parties.


    The Centre conducts and publishes research necessary for the needs of Qatar’s national development. It undertakes specific research projects mostly related to environmental development or economic development. We have successfully undertaken a range of funded research projects resulting in measureable benefits to beneficiaries. The research outcomes including publications are published on our Publications page.  The Centre also conducts research Roundtables involving a panel of law and policy experts from academia, industry, government and regulators.

    We are available to conduct research projects with the public and private sectors, and undertake consultancy work for professional bodies.


    The Centre focuses its research and activities in two main areas: economic development, and energy and environment. These two pillars cover a wide range of topics. Please click her​e to read more about our research areas​
