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    Economic Development


    “Development of a competitive and diversified economy capable of meeting the needs of, and securing a high standard of living for, all its people for the present and for the future.” -Qatar National Vision 2030

    Our objective is to offer the Middle-East’s legal platform of interaction between industry, academia and governmental entities to promote economic development in Qatar.


    To promote efficiency, accessibility, fairness, transparency, and stability of domestic and global financial systems and stand out as the focal point of financial centers in the region.

    Focused research areas

    • Business Law
    • Corporate Governance
    • Finance and Islamic Finance
    • Tax Law
    • Anti-Corruption

    This division supports the creation of new knowledge in finance and disseminates it in many different forms to the world’s academic and professional communities.

    The Centre develops and supports opportunities for Qatari students and faculty to engage with key practitioners and thought leaders in the world of finance.

    The Centre organizes events that bring together researchers, professionals and students to exchange ideas about the role of finance in society, broadly defined