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    Robotics Innovation research group


    Prof.Uvais Ahmed Qidwai (Associate Professor in Computer Engineering)

    Dr. John-John Cabibihan (Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering)

    Dr. Nader Meskin (Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering)


     Digital Learning Innovation group


    Core Team: 

    Dr Ahmed Massoud 

    Dr Arsalan Ayari  

    ​Dr Saleh Al-Hazbi 

    Dr. Osama Halabi

    Dr Wadha Labda 

    Dr Mahmoud Abdulwahed 

    Dr. Mohammed Saleh 

    Eng Mohammed Hassan 


    Extended Team: 

    Digital Faculty Champions from different CENG departments  

    Representative from ITS


    Students Team:  

    Student employment 

    Student Volunteers & Student Digital leaning innovation club 


    Scope of Work: 

    • Domain 1 (Application of Digital Tools): Application of Digital Tech. for Engineering Education (Pedagogies, teaching, and learning ) 
      • CENG best practices for digitally-enabled pedagogies, learning, and success 
      • CENG best practices for online education  
      • Investigate pathways and best practices for the application of open digital learning resources in CENG (e.g. open textbooks, moocs, open digital learning software, etc.)  
      • Research international trends and investigation of new digital technologies for innovative T&L application  
    • Domain 2 (Innovation & Product Development of digital tools): Design Innovation, and Development of new Digital Tech. for QU/CENG T&L, and beyond  
      • Devise new students & faculty projects within the scope (e.g. senior design projects, course projects, co-curricular projects, internal grants projects, UREP projects, etc.)  
      • Projects in courses can be directed to develop digital tools to  solve problems in QU  
      • Student employment/ volunteer in working projects  
    • Domain 3 (Faculty PD on Digital Learning): CENG Faculty coaching, mentorship, and professional development  
      • Coach, mentor, and train other CENG faculty on the utilization of digital tools in teaching  and learning innovation and practice  
      • Seminars/workshops  
      • Certified program (In house certification and international certification) 
      • Mentorship (Dr. Arsalan) 
    • Domain 4 (Strategic alignment & contribution of CENG to QU DLOE): continuously contextualize the group work: 
      • Align activities with emerging QU Digital Learning & Online Education execution streams  
      • Contribute and scale-up evolving CENG digital learning best practices and group work to institutional level