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    Research seminar

    QU Health runs monthly Seminar sessions, during which well renowned speakers from various fields of health research present their recent findings and activities. Our seminars take place on the last Wednesday of each month and are open to all interested in the latest advances in health research.

    Research seminar | Qatar University - Image2

    From Genomic Data to Insights: Genomic and Data Analysis Tools for Rare Variants Identification


    Sunday, 5 May, 2024 (12:00pm - 2:00pm)

    Speaker: Dr. Farah Abdel Rahman

    Program Description & Details of Speakers 

    Research seminar | Qatar University - Image3

    Past, Present and Future of Cell & Gene Therapy: A Translational Medicine Journey


    Thursday, 25 April, 2024 (9:00am - 11:00am)

    Speaker: Dr. Alessandra Biffi

    Program Description & Details of Speakers 

    Research seminar | Qatar University - Image4

    Cellomics for Mechanism Understanding and Drug Discovery


    Thursday, 7 March, 2024 (12:00pm - 2:00pm)

    Speaker: Dr. Ayman Al Haj Zen

    Program Description & Details of Speakers 

    Research seminar | Qatar University - Image2

    Utilizing Long-Read sequencing technologies for the deconvolution of challenging genomic regions; The case of MHC and KIRs and the impact on disease association studies  

    Tuesday, 6 February, 2024 (12:00am - 2:00pm)

    Speaker: Dr. Dimitri Monos

    Program Description & Details of Speakers 

    Research seminar | Qatar University - Image3

    Qatar Genome: Establishing a National Disease Genomics Database 


    Tuesday, 23 January, 2024 (12:00am - 2:00pm)

    Speaker: Dr. Said Ismail

    Program Description & Details of Speakers 

    Link to the seminar recording.  (Password: 4PbcTagX)

    Research seminar | Qatar University - Image4 

    Metabolism in Personalized Health & Medicine 

    Tuesday, 5 December, 2023 (12:00pm - 2:00pm)

    Speaker: Prof. Markus R Wenk

    Program Description & Details of Speakers

    Link to the seminar recording.  (Password: Gdk5karx)

    Research seminar | Qatar University - Image5

    An Overview on CART-Cells: Indications, Toxicity, Results, and Opportunities  

    Monday, 13 November, 2023 (12:00pm - 2:00pm)

    Speaker: Prof. Daniel R. Couriel

    Program Description & Details of Speakers

    Dr. Prashant Kumar

    Liquid Biopsy and Cancer omics: Golden Era of Personalized Medicine 

    Tuesday, 3 October, 2023 (8:30am - 10:30pm)

    Speaker: Dr. Prashant Kumar

    Program Description & Details of Speakers

    Link to the seminar recording.  (Password: eFFxZpD7)

    Professor Chris Proud

    Why do we age; the crucial role of signaling through mTORC1 

    Tuesday, 26 September, 2023 (11:30am - 2:00pm)

    Speaker: Prof. Christopher Proud

    Program Description & Details of Speakers

    Link to the seminar recording.  (Password: MirVuQX7)

    Research seminar | Qatar University - Image6

    Breathing Easier: Air Quality and Human Health in Arid Regions

    Wednesday, 14 June, 2023 (8:30am - 10:30am)

    Speaker: Dr. Rami Alfarra

    Program Description & Details of Speakers

    Link to the seminar recording.  (Password: pJW7HEij)

    Research seminar | Qatar University - Image7

    Personalized care for Qatari patients with genetic predisposition to hypercholesterolemia: better prediction, diagnosis and management

    Wednesday, 31 May, 2023 (8:30am - 10:30am)

    Speaker: Dr. Omar Albagha

    Program Description & Details of Speakers

    Dr Yiping Zhao

    Improving Ischemic Stroke Treatment with Functional Magnetic Nanomotors&nbsp

    Monday, 27 March, 2023 (9:30am - 12pm)

    Speaker: Dr. Yiping Zhoa

    Program Description & Details of Speakers

    Dr. Omar Abu Marzouk

    Research in HMC's Surgical Institute

    Wednesday, 22 February, 2023 (8:00am)

    Speaker: Dr. Omar Aboumarzouk

    Program Description & Details of Speakers

    Prof M Adil

    Healthcare Innovation: Opportunities, Benefits, and way forward

    Wednesday, 25 January, 2023 (8:00am)

    Speaker: Prof. Mahmood Adil MD

    Progra​m Description & Details of Speakers