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    Alumni Relations Office​

    Qatar University’s Alumni Relations Office works to cultivate fruitful relationships with alumni, both in Qatar and abroad. We support alumni of the university through a range of annual activities and benefits.

    To strengthen its alumni relations with over 43 classes of graduates, Qatar University recently launched the Qatar University Alumni Association– an initiative that looks to engage QU alumni like never before.

    QU hosts eleven colleges -- College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), College of Business and Economics (CBE), College of Education (CED), College of Engineering (CENG), College of Health Sciences (CHS), College of Law (LAWC), College of Medicine (CMED), College of Pharmacy (CPH), College of Sharia and Islamic Studies (CSIS), College of Nursing and College of Dental Medicine (CDM).

    QU offers the widest range of academic programs -- 47 Bachelors, 29 Masters, 20 Ph.D. programs, nine Diplomas, and a Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD)-- in Qatar tailoring them to meet the needs of Qatari society.​

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