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Visualization Challenge Awards

Qatar University (QU) announces the Visualization Challenge Award as a part of the Annual Research Forum and Exhibition 2024 Exhibition activities.

QU Visualization Challenge is an opportunity for QU community to show off their skills and knowledge on an area such as video editing, photography, and interactive applications.


The challenge is open to all members of QU (faculty, researchers, students and administrative staff).


Participants in each category must submit a visual entry, a written description of their entry, and a brief biography of each author (50-word maximum).

The categories include:

  • Video: Videos constructed from film, photographs, graphics, illustrations, digital visualizations, etc.
  • Photography: Digital photographs, including but not limited to images from cameras, sensors, microscopes, telescopes, and similar instruments; should not contain text.
  • Interactive: Web applications, and smartphone or tablet apps that require user input. 2D or 3D Computer-generated imagery (CGI) based models, game or serious game application.


  • Entries could be produced by an individual or by team.
  • Entries in the Interactive category must be compatible with the popular OS such as Windows, iOS and/or the Android platform, Authors must provide any needed credential required to access the entry, i.e., user name/password.
  • Entries could be in Arabic, English, or both.
  • Judging will be based on the scientific impact, visual impact, and ability to communicate insightful information, their overall design, technical merit and originality.
  • Preference will be for the entries which convey science, technology, engineering and/or mathematics principles and can have real life application for education or/and business.


  1. The best entry will be selected from each category.
  2. Only winning entries will be announced.
  3. Each winning entry will receive an award during the Annual Research Forum and Exhibition, on February 18, 2025​.
  4. The university has the right to use the winning works in its activities. Full recognition will be given to the developer/s.


The visual entry, a written description of the entry, and a brief biography of each author (50-word maximum) should be sent to:

The deadline for receiving the visualization applications is 14 November 2024.