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QU Innovation Award

Qatar University (QU) Innovation Award aims to enhance, encourage and promote innovations and inventions that have significant impact on society and industry, and to support developing research ideas and results to reach the commercialized stage.

The QU Innovation Award is announced for QU innovators in the following two categories:

  • First Category: QU full-time faculty members, researchers and employees
  • Second Category: QU registered students (undergraduate and graduate)

The award will be granted at the QU Annual Research Forum and Exhibition on February 18, 2025.


  • First Category: All QU full-time faculty members, researchers and employees with registered innovations under a QU-owned patent are eligible to apply.
  • Second Category: All QU registered students with innovations applied for patent registration or registered innovations under a QU-owned patent are eligible to apply.


  • First Category: Submissions will be assessed based on a range of parameters including:
    • QU-registered-patent innovations for industry, community or society
    • Product development or prototype production stage
    • Commercialization and marketing opportunities of the innovative product
    • Extent of outreach and impact on the community, industry and other stakeholders
  • Second Category: Submissions will be assessed based on a range of parameters including:
    • Submitted application for QU-registered-patent (Nonprovisional)
    • Stage of product research development at QU
    • Winning local or international awards in the field of innovation
    • Existence of an action plan to develop the idea of innovation into a prototype
    • Initiating the development of a start-up company for commercialization of the innovative product

Award Value:

  • First Category: The award will consist of:
    • A cash prize of QR30,000
    • Up to a maximum of QR100,000 of funds dedicated to developing the innovative product
  • Second Category: The award will consist of:
    • A cash prize of QR20,000
    • Up to a maximum of QR100,000 of funds dedicated to developing the innovative product

Submission Process:

To be considered for the award, the following files must be submitted:

  • A PDF copy of the registered patent certificate for the first category, or the submitted application for the second category
  • A cover letter addressed to QU Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies, stating the innovative product description, development and commercialization stages. It shall also determine the innovation's impact on society and enlist all the supporting evidence (prototype, statistics, benchmarking, stages of the product research development locally, feasibility study, received awards, etc.) justifying the eligibility of the faculty members and researchers for the award
  • The nomination package must be sent to:

Submission deadline:

14 November 2024