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    Strategic Domains

    Western paradigms continue to be the reference point for the humanities and social sciences globally and in the Arab world. This hegemony over knowledge production within the Humanities and Social Sciences, calls into question the extent of their theoretical orientations and relevance as an analytic framework of the current (and rapidly changing) realities of the Arab and Islamic contexts.

    To address this concern and bridge this schism, Ibn Khaldon Centre for the Humanities and Social Sciences identifies and adopts five core Strategic Domains that governs its entire works. These strategic domains cover most of the concerns of the Arab and Islamic societies. There are five strategic domains. These are:

    Strategic Domains | Qatar University - Image2 

    1. Renewal: This domain calls for a critical review of knowledge paradigms to renew the aspects of current theoretical orientations that have proven ineffective into orientations that are more relevant to the Arab and Islamic context/milieu.
    2. Bridging: This domain seeks to enhance methodological engagement and exchange within and between the various branches of the Humanities.
    3. Cultural Cross-Fertilization: This refers to the dynamic of cross-fertilization and exchange that occur due to close and continuous interaction between two different cultures.
    4. Indigenization/Localization:  This domain seeks to situate the Social Sciences within the Arab-Islamic context to ensure that they are relevant and capable of responding to local questions and issues.
    5. Relevance and Applicability: This domain seeks to understand and analyze concrete realities and apply this knowledge towards its improvement and reform.​
