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    Peer Review Process

    ​Tajseer’s peer review process is consistent with all regulations and procedures that guarantee high-quality scientific publication at Qatar University, Ibn Khaldon Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, and Qatar University Press. The journal follows international scientific editorial standards based on the highest professional review guidelines. As a double-blind peer-reviewed journal, we ensure the anonymity of both author and reviewers. The journal requests authors to submit a fully blind manuscript, without author details, affiliation, or any related hints. The journal ensures to hide the identity of the author throughout the peer review process.

    Each article is initially evaluated by the editor of the journal to ensure compatibility with the journal’s scope, aims, and guidelines, including checks for plagiarism and self-plagiarism. The editor then assesses the article’s originality and importance to the journal. If approved, the journal sends the article for review by two independent and well-experienced researchers in the research field based on a set of pre-determined and quality criteria. The reviewers can either accept the article without modification, request slight amendments or substantial amendments, or reject the article. In case the two reviewers cannot agree on the value of a specific article, a third reviewer will be considered. Nonetheless, the final decision regarding the article publication is carefully taken by the journal’s scientific committee based on their evaluation of the review reports.

    The journal consistently follows up with the author to make sure the article is revised more than once, if needed, to ensure the maximum level of suitability and quality for article publication.