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    MSc Thesis

    2022-2023 List of MSc Thesis



    Publication Date


    Main Supervisor

    Pharmacists and Contraception in Qatar: Assessment of Counseling Practices and Development and Validation of a Contraceptive Dispensing Protocol

    Haya Baroudi


    Clinical Pharmacy & Practice

    Dr. Maguy ElHajj

    Ethanol-Based Proliposomes Incorporating Dexamethasone for the Treatment of COVID-19 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) Using Nebulizers (Summary)

    Menatallah Rayan


    Pharmaceutical Sciences

    Dr. Abdelbary Elhissi

    Trends and Appropriateness of Sodium-Glucose Co-Transporter 2 Inhibitors Use in Qatar (Summary)

    Nancy Zaghloul


    Clinical Pharmacy & Practice

    Dr. Hazem Elewa

    Hypertension Management and Prescribing Practices in Primary Healthcare Settings in Qatar: A Multi-Methods Study (summary)

    Nada Abdelkader


    Clinical Pharmacy & Practice

    Dr. Maguy El Hajj

    The Exploration of the Application of Pharmacogeneticsin the Management of Depression (summary)

    Shimaa Aboelbaha


    Clinical Pharmacy & Practice

    Dr. Monica Zolezzi

    Impact of SGLT2 Inhibitors on CKD Progression in Diabetic Patients in Qatar: A Retrospective Cohort Study (summary)

    Shahad Alhefel


    Clinical Pharmacy & Practice

    Prof. Mohamed Izham

    Succinylated Curcumin Loaded in Mannosylated Chitosan Nanoparticles for Colon Cancer Therapy (summary)

    Sourour Idoudi


    Pharmaceutical Sciences

    Prof. Nashiru Billa

    Anticancer Effects of Modified Citrus Pectin and Curcumin in Chitosan Nanoparticles on Colon Cancer (summary)

    Areej Al Hams


    Pharmaceutical Sciences

    Prof. Nashiru Billa

    The Effect of Natural and Synthetic Compounds on Human Colerectal Cancer: In vitro and In vivo studies (summary)

    Arij Hassan


    Pharmaceutical Sciences

    Prof. Ashraf Khalil

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