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    IPEC Publications and Presentations


    El Awaisi A, El Hajj M, Joseph S, Diack H. Interprofessional education in the Arabic-speaking Middle East: Perspectives of pharmacy academics. Journal Of Interprofessional Care, 30:6, 769-776

    El-Awaisi A, Anderson E, Barr H, Wilby KJ, Wilbur K, Bainbridge L. Important steps for introducing interprofessional education into health professional education. J Taibah Univ Med Sc 2016;11(6):546-551

    Wilby KJ, Al-Abdi T, El-Awaisi A, Diab MI. Changes in student perceptions after a semester-long inter professional education activity in Qatar. J Taibah Uni Med Sci 2016;11(6):541-545

    Zolezzi, M., Abdallah, O., Major, S., White, D., Owusu, Y. and Sankaralingam, S. (2016) Teaching Physical Assessment and Disease Screening to Students in the Health Professions: A Focus in Pharmacy Education. Health, 8, 1713-1725

    El Awaisi A, Diack H, Joseph S, El Hajj M. Perspectives of pharmacy students, pharmacy academics and practicing pharmacists on interprofessional education and collaborative practice: a comprehensive systematic review protocol. The JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, VOL 13, NO 12 (2015)

    Wilbur K, Kelly I. Interprofessional impressions among nursing and pharmacy students: a qualitative study to inform interprofessional education initiatives. BMC Medical Edu 2015; 15:53-60. (link)

    Wilby KJ, Al-Abdi T, Hassan A, Brown MA, Paravattil B, Khalifa SI. Attitudes of pharmacy and nutrition students towards team-based care after first exposure to interprofessional education in Qatar. J Interprof Care 2014. DOI 10.3109/13561820.2014.933949

    Johnson B, Pyburn R, Bolan C, Byrne C, Jewesson P, Robertson-Malt S, El-Tawil M, Verjee M. Qatar interprofessional health council: IPE for Qatar. Avicenna 2011;2:1-9. (link)


    El Awaisi A, Diack H, Joseph S, El Hajj M. Pharmacy Perspectives of pharmacy students, pharmacy academics and practicing pharmacists on interprofessional education and collaborative practice: a comprehensive systematic review (Poster 459). Australasian Pharmaceutical Science Association (APSA), The University of Sydney December 02-05, 2016.

    El Awaisi A, El Hajj M, Joseph S, Diack L. Middle Eastern Perspectives of Pharmacy Academics towards Interprofessional Education and Collaborative practice. (Oral Presentation). All Together Better Health VIII. The 8th International Conference on Interprofessional Practice and Education: Values Based Interprofessional Practice and Education. September 08, 2016.

    El-Awaisi A. Integrating Interprofessional Education into the Pharmacy Curriculum: A Middle Eastern Perspective. (Oral Presentation). All Together Better Health VIII. The 8th International Conference on Interprofessional Practice and Education: Values Based Interprofessional Practice and Education. September 08, 2016.

    Jaam M, Arevalo F, Dsouza N, Abdelaziz G, Al Sayyed F, Khairat A, Hamza M, Babiker A, El-Awaisi A. IPE Student Society in A Middle Eastern Setting: Take on the challenge and ride the journey. (Oral Presentation). All Together Better Health VIII. The 8th International Conference on Interprofessional Practice and Education: Values Based Interprofessional Practice and Education. September 08, 2016.

    El-Awaisi A, Jaam M, AlHaddad A, Alhamad N. Student Journey of Interprofessional learning in a Middle Eastern Context. (Poster 21). All Together Better Health VIII. The 8th International Conference on Interprofessional Practice and Education: Values Based Interprofessional Practice and Education. September 07, 2016.

    El-Awaisi A, Wilbur K, Wilby K, Bainbridge L, Anderson E, Barr H. Workshop: Educator Toolkit for Interprofessional Education. First Middle Eastern conference on interprofessional Education: New Frontiers in Healthcare Education. Doha, Qatar. December 05, 2015. (pdf)

    El-Awaisi A. Keynote Speech: Interprofesional Education in the Middle East, have we started?. First Middle Eastern conference on Interprofessional Education: New Frontiers in Healthcare Education. Doha, Qatar. December 04, 2015.

    El-Awaisi A, Major S, Awaisu A, Verjee M, Wilbur K, Hasnani-Samnani Z, Wilby K, Al-Abdi T. Moderated Panel Presentations. IPE Experiences from the Qatar University College of Pharmacy -professional Education Committee. First Middle Eastern conference on Interprofessional Education: New Frontiers in Healthcare Education. Doha, Qatar. December 04, 2015. (pdf)

    El-Awaisi A; Wilbur K, Wilby K, Hasnani-Samnani Z, Major S, Al-Abdi T. Snapshots of interprofessional educational activities in Qatar. Exploring Health Sciences: Teaching, Learning and Inter-Professionalism, University of Calgary-Qatar 2015 Conference. Doha, Qatar. May 7, 2015. (pdf)

    El-Awaisi A; Diack, L; Joseph S and El Hajj M. #74: Perceptions of Pharmacy Students, Pharmacists and Pharmacy Academics in Qatar to Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice. The 7th International Conference on Interprofessional Practice and Education. All Together Better Health VII. University of Pittsburgh Campus, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. June 5-8, 2014. (pdf)

    Wilbur K. Interprofessional perceptions - nursing and pharmacy students in Qatar. Faculty Research Seminar Series, College of Pharmacy, Qatar University. Doha, Qatar. November 12, 2013. (pdf)

    Wilbur K, Kelly I. Interprofessional perceptions: pharmacy and nursing students in Qatar. European Society of Clinical Pharmacy International Workshop “Improving Patient Care Through Collaborative Practice”. Edinburgh, United Kingdom. May 31, 2013. (pdf)

    El-Awaisi A. Pharmacy's perspectives of interprofessional education and collaboration: an investigative study in Qatar & the Middle East. Faculty Research Seminar Series, College of Pharmacy, Qatar University. Doha, Qatar. April 8, 2013. (pdf) (lecture capture)

    Jewesson P. Interprofessional education: implications for the College of Pharmacy. Faculty Development Seminar, College of Pharmacy, Qatar University. Doha, Qatar. March 17, 2011. (pdf)