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    Objectives & Learning Outcomes


    The main objective of the PhD Program in Health Sciences at Qatar University is to train and prepare its future graduates to design and implement high quality original research in their fields of specialization, both at the levels of applied science and fundamental or basic research. The program will provide a structured curriculum to equip students with core and advanced knowledge and skills to support their pursuit of a PhD with the aim of bridging basic research, translational therapeutics and clinical medicine. The areas of research include national priority themes such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular and infectious diseases. The program promotes an interdisciplinary approach to address complex health issues, implement interprofessional health education and training.

    Joining this program will allow candidates to gain invaluable soft and technical skills through their mentoring by our internationally recognized expert faculty members who have strong expertise and competitive track records in all aspects of health sciences.

    Learning Outcomes

    Graduates of the PhD Program in Health Sciences will be able to:

    • Demonstrate strong and advanced methodological research skills and a deep understanding of contemporary research issues in their fields of specialization.
    • Design and efficiently conduct an innovative and original research projects under the supervision of expert faculty members within a stimulating and highly competitive research environment.
    • Demonstrate an enhanced understanding of how to translate and apply research findings from the bench to the bedside or to industrial challenges through training offered by the interdisciplinary research approach.
    • Obtain opportunities for intense interaction with clinicians and clinical and population health research institutions inside and outside of the country with which the program has already established collaborative links.
    • Write manuscript(s) describing novel research findings for publication in peer-reviewed international journals.
    • Prepare, present and orally defend a thesis of research findings before an examining committee composed of internal and external experts in the field of specialization.


    There will be plenty of employment opportunities for graduates of this program within Qatar, the region and worldwide.

    Pursuing an academic career path is one major route for career development. PhD graduates usually complement their experience with a post-doctoral training and then join various academic institutions as faculty members to develop an independent academic and research career. The market is in need of highly specialized skilled biomedical and pharmaceutical scientists, clinical epidemiologists and public health experts. Employment opportunities for graduates of the PhD Program in Health Sciences include academia, consulting agencies, pharmaceutical drug industry, governmental regulatory authorities, drug regulation (e.g., pharmaceutical product analysis at the Ministry of Public Health), patient care (Hamad Medical Corporation and affiliates), hospital and clinic settings, quality assurance and research.