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    Assessment of Prior Learning

    To be considered for a transfer into Qatar University’s BSc degree in Nutrition and Dietetics, applicants who are currently enrolled or have previously attended another university must adhere to the transfer guidelines and meet the eligibility criteria set by QU.


    All applicants are also required to submit a copy of their certificate, formal transcripts of grades, course descriptions from catalog and course syllabi showcasing their learning outcomes and competences to DNS.

    Assessment of prior learning of each applicant will be on a case-by-case basis, depending on availability of seats. Evaluation will be deliberated by the academic committee, chaired by the Program Director and/or Head of Department.


    Qatar University students who graduated from the DNS prior to Fall semester 2010 will be required to complete all courses that were added to the nutrition curriculum in 2010 and completed supervised practice experiences as described above.  

    For more information, please visit the following link: