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    Join Us

    Thank you for your interest in joining us! If you are a dedicated individual with interest in cybersecurity research, KINDI Center offers you the opportunity to join our research team and work on various cybersecurity and AI focus areas.

    Student Volunteers

    Student Volunteers 

    If you are a QU student interested in volunteering in one of our research projects, or helping us develop products and coordinating events, please register your interest.

    Sign Up For Student Volunteer Opportunities

    If you are part of the Student Employment Program, you must follow the policies of​ QU’s Student Employment Program.

    Other Employment Opportunities

    For non-QU members, we offer a number of non-student positions as Teaching Assistants (TAs), Research Assistants (RAs), or Part-Time Employees. If you are interested in working/volunteering with us in any of these non-student positions, please Click te Following Button:

    Apply for Other Employment Opportunities at KINDI (Non-QU Members ONLY)

    If you have further inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us at