Prof. Tobin Marks
Charles E. and Emma H. Morrison Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Vladimir N. Ipatieff Professor of Catalytic chemistry, Northwestern University, USA
Topic: “New Catalytic Process Design Strategies: Oxidative Methane Coupling with Soft Oxidants”
Tobin Marks is Vladimir Ipatieff Professor of Catalytic Chemistry, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, and Professor of Applied Physics at Northwestern University. His recognitions include the U.S. National Medal of Science, the Spanish Principe de Asturias Prize, the MRS Von Hippel Award, the Dreyfus Prize in the Chemical Sciences, and the National Academy of Sciences Award in Chemical Sciences. He is a member of the U.S., German, and Indian National Academies of Sciences, the US National Academy of Engineering, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the US National Academy of Inventors. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. Marks has published 1210 peer-reviewed articles and holds 234 issued U.S. patents. Degrees: B.S. from the University of Maryland and Ph.D. from MIT.
Prof. Wei Wei
Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Science
Topic: "CO2 Capture and Utilization: An Overview"
Prof. Wei Wei is Professor and Director of Center for Greenhouse Gas and Environmental Engineering at Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He obtained his PhD in Physical Chemistry from the Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2000. His main research focus includes CO2 accounting, capture, utilization and storage, green chemistry and environmental catalysis. He is now the principal investigator of “Key Technologies and Industrial Demonstration of Chemical Utilization of Carbon Dioxide” (Key Projects in the National Science & Technology), “Climate Change: Carbon Budget and Relevant Issues” (Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences-A), and “Non-hydraulic Fracturing for Shale Gas Recovery” (Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences-B). In the past 5 years, he severed as the principal investigator and completed several projects funded by the National Ministry of Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and industry partners. He has more than 300 papers in international peer-reviewed journals, and over 70 Chinese and 3 international patents. Prof. Wei Wei received the “Outstanding Young Scientist” award in the 13th International Congress on Catalysis (2004, France) and was nominated as “outstanding youth contribution” in the 10th International Congress on Carbon Dioxide Utilization (2009 China).

Dr. Hank Rawlins
Technical Director, eProcess Technologies, Houston, Texas, USA
Topic: "Produced Water treatment; Unlocking Production Mature and Marginal Fields"
Hank Rawlins is the Technical Director of eProcess Technologies with 25 years’ experience in the upstream oil & gas industry. Hank is responsible for development programs in facilities sand management, produced water treatment, and compact separations systems. He received B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Metallurgical Engineering from the University of Missouri-Rolla/Missouri S&T and is a registered professional engineer. Dr. Rawlins has fifty-one publications and is an active member of SPE where he served as past chair of the Separations Technology Technical Section (STTS). Hank also serves as adjunct professor at Montana Tech of the University of Montana (
Dr. Raymond Ooi
Senior Front End Process Engineer, Shell Oil Company, Malaysia
Topic: "Process Integration Approaches to Optimal Planning of Unconventional Gas Field Development"
Ir. Dr. Raymond Ooi is a practicing engineer and active researcher in the O&G industry specifically in the areas of Process Integration, Carbon Capture & Storage and Front End Development of O&G projects. Graduated with BEng in Chemical Engineering and obtained his PhD in Chemical Engineering with Nottingham University. Current role as Senior Process Engineer with a Major International O&G Operator in Malaysia. He has more than twelve (12) years of working experience in O&G industry and industrial gases production facilities with both local and overseas working experience in USA. His experience encompasses a wide range of design and operations experience across various stages of the project development cycle (includes Frond End, Conceptual, FEED and Detail Design) for oil and gas facilities. He is also a Chartered Engineer with IChemE, UK and registered Professional Engineer with Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM).
Dr. Noubi Ben Hamida
VP Assets, Total E&P, Qatar
Topic: "Oil/Gas Economics/Forecast"
Dr. Mabruk Issa Suleiman
Senior Manager Engineering R&D and Support Services, Takreer Research Center
Topic: "Prediction of Refinery Feed Stock Corrosivity Using Sulfur Speciation Technique"
Dr Mabruk is the Senior Manager of Engineering R&D and Support Services at Takreer Research Centre, Abu Dhabi, UAE. He has more than 37 years’ experience both in upstream and downstream processes, and he is a certified professional leader by the international institute of leadership. He obtained both his M.Sc. and Ph.D. from the University of Manchester Corrosion Engineering Research Centre, and he is a professional member of the institute of corrosion (UK). Dr. Mabruk has produced more than 100 corrosion investigation reports and published several papers on stainless steel corrosion, high temperature sulphidation, and seawater corrosivity. He has also given several training courses on the fundamentals of corrosion, corrosion monitoring, and corrosion control. He has supervised several research projects. Dr. Mabruk is now leading a major research project at Takreer Research Centre on the sulfur speciation and corrosivity indexing of refinery feed stocks. He is also very active in the field of asset integrity management, and presented several papers in this subject.

Dr. Samer Adham
Director of WSC, Conoco-Phillips, Qatar
Topic: "Produced Water Treatment in the Oil & Gas industry"
Dr. Samer Adham is currently the Manger of ConocoPhillips Water Solutions located in Doha, Qatar. He is responsible for delivery of technical support, innovative solutions and analytical capability as well as advancing technology and functional development across the whole water spectrum, from sourcing and/or production to treatment to reuse and/or disposal at ConocoPhillips. His responsibility also includes establishing and directing of ConocoPhillips’ Global Water Sustainability Centre (GWSC) located at Qatar Science & Technology Park (QSTP) in Doha. Dr. Adham overall experience has been on the development of innovative solutions to the environmental challenges of municipal & industrial sector worldwide; specifically in the fields of municipal water and wastewater treatment, water reclamation, seawater & groundwater desalination, and produced water management from the oil & gas (O&G) industry. Dr. Adham received several national and international awards of excellence and participated in various national and international conferences as a worldwide expert on water treatment technologies. Dr. Adham has more than 50 journal publications, 225 conference papers and 40 invited presentations/workshops. He also holds 4 US patents and has authored chapters in more than 6 books related to water and environment. Dr. Adham received his Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (1987) and a Master of Science in Environmental Engineering (1989) from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. He received his Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering (1993) from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the United States.

Dr. Ruediger Schneider
Head of Technology “Field Fuel Flexibility and Environmental Technology”, Siemens Frankfurt, Germany
Topic: "Power Generation Challenges and Answers to an increasing demand for unconventional fuels and water"
Dr. Rüdiger Schneider is currently Head of Siemens Technology Field Fuel Flexibility located in Frankfurt, Germany He obtained his PhD in Chemical Engineering from the Technical University Berlin in 1998. He has been working for Siemens since 18 years, starting as Senior consultant in several projects for chemical industry. In 2007 he took over the responsibility for the R&D Department CCS and is currently head of the technology field “Fuel Flexibility and Environmental Technology”. He holds plenty of patents and is appointed Dechema and Process Net committee member.