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    Winter Research Training at the Biomedical Research Center (Hands-on)

    Venue: Qatar University, H10 building, Zone 5
    Course Date: 12 - 16 December 2021


    This is a five-day training course that consists of a series of lectures and practical sessions on virus genome sequencing and analysis. The course will provide participants with hands-on training on using high-throughput sequencing technologies to sequence RNA viruses. The course is also designed to provide the participants with basic knowledge on viral genome sequence analysis and interpretation. Participants will learn to analyze large sequencing datasets using graphical user interface (GUI) programs as well as command-line tools. In addition to gained knowledge and skills, participants will have the opportunity to exchange ideas and develop future collaborative projects between different stakeholders. The course will encourage the exchange of ideas among diagnosticians, researchers, and bioinformaticians interested in virology research.


    • Tissue Culture.
    • Immunostaining & imaging.
    • Gene Expression.


    For Program details click here.

    Program period

    5 days (12-16 Dec 2021)

    Targeted Participants

    Graduates & Undergraduates students from colleges of Health cluster and CAS
