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    ACCUPLACER English

    ​The ACCUPLACER ESL test is developed by College Board, in the USA and it is a computer-adaptive test designed to place English learners into appropriate language courses. It has four components:

    1. ESL Language Use
    2. ESL Listening
    3. ESL Sentence Meaning
    4. ESL Reading Skills

    Candidates will be able to see their test scores and placement information immediately after the test. Test scores will be uploaded to BANNER after being verified.


    Sample Link: Click here


    Test Fees: 130 QAR  (new Test Fees is effective from 1st August 2016)

    Payment & Registration: 

    Register and pay online by clicking here.

    For the steps please click here.

    Click here to see the test schedule. 

    For more inquiries about test Registration status please contact us at this number: 44035522 – or Email us :

    Score Info: The test score for each component ranges from 20-120 points. Students are placed into Foundation English courses according to the following criteria:

    • An aggregate score is used for placement into the English Integrated Core Workshops. The aggregate score is based on the total points for the Language Use, Listening, Reading Skills, and Sentence Meaning components of the ACCUPLACER ESL.
    • The Reading Skills score is used for placement into the English Reading Workshops.
    • The total points for the Language Use and Sentence Meaning components of the ACCUPLACER ESL are used to place students into the English Writing Workshops.
    See below for the ACCUPLACER ESL score range used for placement into each course and level.

    English Integrated Core

    English Reading Workshop

    English Writing Workshop

    Score Used





    0 - 268

    0 - 62

    0 - 146


    269 - 399

    63 - 99

    147 - 224

    A student can take the placement test only once per admission cycle. If a student wants to re-take the test and he/she is not registered on a Foundation Program math course, he/she can sit for the placement test the following semester.

    Note: ACCUPLACER English is NOT accepted by the College of Medicine and Dental Medicine.